
Did you even read the article?

O’Reilly killed stewart every night in the ratings. What are you talking about. Stewart was great for hipsters who hang their hat on thinking they are smarter than they are and have some unique perspective no one has ever thought of. You all ate that up.

snappy (yet untrue) zinger. very good. You need more O’ Reilly in your life.

lol at “too qualified”...ben carson is most likely the liberal party’s worst nightmare. very good points (and funny) last night.

i hear you there. i just got a laptop with dedicated graphics but before that yeah, i played the best things I could find with my ol ‘07 dell. age of empires is great and I don’t even like those types of games.

rockstar did a good job of continually patching gta v, too. it’s just good post-release support. every game has bugs. every piece of software has bugs. the calculator in your OS has bugs.

oh and as for trump. yeah as far as i’m concerned he’s simply a tool for us and it will work.

i absolutely do. many poli-sci experts agree with me. read up on history and what fdr went through and get back to me. oh, and look at the lib ny times giving fox some love. we aren’t easy on our guys (and gal).

meh-wasn’t that great. and it was a comedy news show with a liberal bias.

yup....you don’t vote republican when you’re 18...you vote republican once you’re a real adult and have had a dose of life. 18 you just want to be hip...and really what’s more hip than voting for obama -heh.

empty reply insinuating repubs are fools=smug. not hard. there was really no point being made. the guy made a bad joke.

great response, obamacare is a disaster. history judging past presidents objectively has nothing to do with this. Bush will go down much more favorably than he is now once away from the rhetoric. His presidency was ridiculous. He never got to anything he promised in his campaigns, Africa, Aids, because it was all

Yes! It’s still on but w/o gutfeld and original crew not the same.

I agree. As a conservative I’ve watched plenty of Steward and enjoyed it. Same with O’Reilly. They are two sides of the same coin, going against what the mainstream is shoving down your throat. Say what you will about O’Reilly, but he does exactly what Stewart does. He talks about things other people don’t.

You should vote for trump...he’s unleashing on the Fox news mods ;)

His comment is spot on. It’s a liberal biased comedy show. Period. Evidence? Watch it.

History will judge him much more favorably. There should almost be an asterix next to the man’s name. No other President since FDR has had to deal with such a complicated Presidency starting, what, 8 months in when 9/11 happened? All the plans he had as President, down the drain, whole new path.

I don’t think he

so sanctimonious and smug...typical. The guy makes a valid point. That’s the liberal problem you skirt over valid points and head right to character assassination because it’s easier.
