
Dude should be suspended 2 or 3, had the spikes up and everything

I personally have never been a fan of Snyder or Abrams. I find while they are very good at making a film look visually beautiful, everything else about the film is hallow and forgettable.

The Day Elektra was released

Video game coverage isn’t garbage. I love Kotaku!

I laughed when you called video game Youtubers “creatives”.

Honestly, I would go to a pizza gay wedding. Pizza is never inappropriate.

What a fucking dork you are, man...Social Justice Avengers. Adjust your hat, neckbeard, and venture forth from thy parent's basement. Breath that fresh air. Take a hit from your asthma inhaler. Now relax because it's just a comic book.

My picture wasn't political, just an inference of nefariousness.

They're eating her ... and then they're going to eat me ... OH MY GAAAAAAAAAWWWWDDDDD!!!!!!

So just admit that you like the visual of a lady with wings kicking ass and don't try to act like it's somehow antifeminist for fans of a specific character to want to see that character do the specific thing that character is famous for doing.

One thing that helped me was keep track of what you eat. I recommend keeping a food diary (there are a ton of apps for it as well), although it is a lot of work. The thing is, you won't have to do it for the rest of your life, you will use it to identify problems and change behavior and then you can stop. If you

Android, and thus Samsung has had what Apple now uses for mobile payments (NFC) for years.

Were you embarrassed of pulling out an android in the presence of your iphone friends?
1.- Why? Build quality? Drop and iphone and see what happens. Believe me, I had 3.
2.- Why are you bothered of what your friends might say about the brand of phone you had? You either need new friends or stop caring so much about

At last they get rid of that awful camera.

Couldn't agree more mate. Baffles me how much whining reviewers are doing that so little changed from the m8 to the m9 when it makes perfect sense not to change anything if the design freaking works. I have the m8 and love it and was planning to upgrade but the spec/hardware increases aren't enough for me to waste an

Thankfully, mental health issues are moving in general towards equivalence with other illnesses. Why do we have more sympathy for cystic fibrosis patients than those with debilitating social anxiety?

As someone with all three new-gen systems, here's how it breaks down for me:

You can't possibly begin to understand how devastating addiction is unless you have one.

I'm an addict and I constantly hide things from people. Until you understand the disease of addiction, you will not understand the honor in this move by Josh (omgomgomg we are on a first name basis because we are both in the program!)