
While running a read option, when does no go mean no?

this has to be the best tweet of the day

Winston Receives Warm Reception From FSU Twitter Followers

It's "neighbor," dipshit.


Maybe Stewart shouldn't have murdered him. There's that.

Girlfriend, you had me at DURR. I wouldn't be able to stay awake for thirty minutes, let alone be turning left the entire time.

I don't write for Gawker anymore. But you're a good person. Go forth and tell everyone what a good person you are.

Oh wait, you already have.

Respect the A? The Nats exist precisely because they had no regard for the "eh."

I heard something ugly happened on a dirt surface last night. How can Harper even think of playing today.

The word you're looking for is "berth." An All Star Game birth is what Jeter gets for DP tricks he pulls on Oct 15th.

That's the biggest bandwagon Ive ever seen.

This looks awful ....really awful ...

It looks so bad that I think it will steal the Razzie away from Transformers 4.

Michael Bay is the Nickelback of movie makers. He makes a ton of money and yet no one will admit to liking what he produces.

You missed the point.

LeBron: I'm a free agent! Someone pay me as much money as you think I'm worth to play basketball. I figure it's around $50 million.

Look. I get that there's a lot of stupid, unfair criticism of Lebron, Bosh, and the Heat. And I agree that a lot of it is wrong, over-the-top, and pointless. I get that.

FIFA: Where even the math is corrupt.