sSwdered Bowfinger

Sorry I don't have such enlightened sensibilities as yourself. I just find it a bit hipster, cooler than thou, to rate the little show few had heard of higher than the one, link-bait aside, they were obviously going gaga over all year. I dunno, mebbe if AV Club hyped Enlightened half as much as BB it would have gained

But, Sarah won't let me post on her page anymore. Isn'tthat a violation of My firsted ammender rites?

That's why A.V. Club put 'Enlightened' as click-bait to any and all articles, tangentially related to 'Enlightened'. Seriously, AV Club, all 2013, Cranston farted… Paul visits taco bell… you rode the hijacked Breaking Bad train as much if not more than any other entertainment news groups to garner traffic. To label

Most major league teams no longer actually play Glitter any more. Some teams have alternative recording that sounds similar, without Glitter getting any residuals. Most Major League venues dropped it as soon as the ap wire hit. I can't speak for colleges or minor league teams.

That's after net deduction, profit deferment, ten percent of the nut. Cash, every movie costs $2,184. to make.