
I’m a vegetarian. That’s it, that’s the post. Good luck at the cookout, bitches omnivores

It almost makes you wish the food system wasn’t so focused on a few corporate, factory scale food producers and distributors, but was more balanced with smaller scale, more local food producers and distributors.

I hope you enjoy Journey.  About as close to a perfect game experience as I’ve ever had.

Thank you! Jay-na, like Dana with a J 

Two things I learned from this.

See I battle with the idea that the show did her wrong. I think the show portrayed her fine...but misogyny is so deeply ingrained in our culture that people walked away thinking she was worse than the rest. 



In their defense, they’re are still 1000% more watchable than the prequels. 

How do you write about the worst & weirdest FF games and leave out FF VII: Dirge of Cerberus, the 3rd person (with optional 1st person mode, for masochists) FF shooting game?

I thought Advent Children should have been the wide theatrical release instead of Spirits Within. At the height of 7's popularity it would have put more butts in the seats, and we likely would have seen more theatrical releases.

Step 1: Be attractive
Step 2: Don’t be unattractive

Boobs !!! 

She was just another twitch streamer. Now shes just another TikTok thot. who cares?

I clicked for boobs. I watched the clips for boobs. I did not read a fucking bit of it because words are not boobs. Is this the girl who started “Ok Boomer”? If so, this is not the path I would have taken afterwards, but whatever.

Yeah I’m 29 and now officially have no idea what is going on. I mean, other than the bascis of “people like to watch hot people do stuff”. That will never go out of style.

Very long article for what boils down to “men on the internet like attractive women”

This is a lot of words to say “You wrote a thing I thought was dumb.”

I’ve seen games made by graduate game dev program teams that looks better and play more consistently. If this were made by anyone other than Riot, it wouldn’t even be getting the time of day.

If they are truly trying to be historically accurate and honor their heritage (which we all know they aren’t but go with me here):