
Yeah After years of not going to mcdonalds the double mushroom swiss had me there almost everyday for months. Now I guess its bye bye Mcdonalds.

I dont get the hate for this game. It has the tried and true job system which makes it infinity better than most final fantasies right off the bat.

Yeah but when a doctor prescribes you something usually you have faith that the doctor knows what they are doing and take their word for it. If you didnt why even go to the doctor? Kinda like how you expect the police to protect you but isnt 100% the case anymore. Now it seems like the last 20 years have raised alot

So much cringe. Jesus


You left out an important detail. Well Done Steaks...... WITH KETCHUP

In some ways yes. For me I actually enjoy westworld more too. It feels sterile and dirty at the same time. But the later seasons of GOT are really hitting all the buttons. 

Lol what every happened to that Blaxit stuff? Seemed to come and go like Kanye’s last album. unnoticed.

Sure they fixed the problem they created with their lies and deception and I thank them for that, but you shouldnt reward this kind of behavior. We already get games that come out half finished with 30 GB patches day one and still are basically unplayable. Why? Because of shit like this

You are right. I dont know how people can be here all happy when not 2 years ago they were at the developer’s throat. Sure they fixed it, and it is a respectable job to do so, but should I reward this kind of behavior? Hell fucking no.

Guess you can say they.... influenced the outcome... Ill see myself out now.

Guess you can say they.... influenced the outcome... Ill see myself out now.

YOu are so terrible! hahahaha

Well I guess its time to put another game out to pasture. I will never play a game with a “live” monetizing service.

Life long nintendo fan but god damn nintendo deals really piss me off.

Life long nintendo fan but god damn nintendo deals really piss me off.

THANK YOU.  I wouldnt even feel bad if she had to get a normal job like the rest of us

I didnt even want to read the article I just scrolled down because i know this was there.


Poor Man’s Water in a cup: Water in a cup

Plus the actual cheese in the picture is not he good stuff either.

Sorry wasnt feeling this. Background music was pretty ok but the rest is just terrible.