
Such a great time to be a nintendo fan. My biggest conundrum is should I get 28 more shrines and beat zelda or go to mario on friday? Such a Decision! I may stick with getting all shrines and beating zelda since that game is the best games ive played in a long time. Such craftsmanship. I wonder if one of these two

Besides Parasite eve , Resident evil 3 was my first survival horror game. Ive seen friends play RE2 but man RE3 was freakin scary as shit. With the crap controls it made it even worse! Cant think of a scarier game to be honest. I played a lot of survival horror and im sure I became desensitized. Silent hill 4 and

Who pays for all this? I mean if a college has to spend 600K on security, where does that money come from?

Being the honest nice guy that I am I would have 100% given the dime bag back.

I agree. Smashing Pumpkins was my favorite band growing up. Even with all the band changes they were good. But now its like I dont even know.

Love Mayonaise. After playing the album for decades even the last song Luna is awesome.

Cherub rock is the best song on Siamese Dreams because it is the greatest intro song to an album ever. After that song it wouldn’t matter if the rest sucked, but thankfully it was ALL good. ALL

Jesus. When will the lies stop with this family . I really cant take it anymore. They are lying even when they dont have too!

I wonder if now is the time to bring this back up due to weinstein. I believe we are experiencing an outing of all Hollywood abusers so now would be the best time to bring it back so it gets traction. I am still confused about the epstein thing. The way the accuser and witness are acting dont sit right. I totally

I suddenly feel the urge to go out and buy a vhs player. Would that fit the times we slid back too? Or are we talking pre Nixon?

Im sure she will just pray to Jebus and we all will be delivered from evil!

His neck begs to differ

Anyone want to take a bet those notes were not written yet? What are the odds he actually had them written and was going to send them out the same day he was asked about this? Noting that this is weeks after.

This teacher is not a great person. sorry to bust that bubble

Its strange how this hasnt gotten traction since cosby,weinstein, Oreily and all others. Its like people are choosing not to believe ones accuser but believing all others.

Nah, they will just let BJ Blakowitz get killed at the beginning, close the game and rate it a 10/10. Dont underestimate how low in the dirt they will go.

OH man what a great way to end the workday. This has me rolling!

WHHHHAAAAAT Event Horizon is great and somewhat campy. Still love that movie.

Once again bonafide correct information beats “feeling” what the right answer is!

Fallout was fun because you could oooo and ahhh at what the world would be like if it was ran into the ground by morons. See why it might have lost its luster?