
She is a historically important figure beloved by many, including me. Her voice is important. Further, nearly every person who has run for POTUS in the modern era has written a book. It would be unusual for her not to write one.

Clinton was the most qualified person to be President in a generation running against the least qualified. People like you that think she’s everything wrong with politics are the problem and the reason America and the world wake up and look at the news every day to go, “Oh fuck what now?!!!”

Thanks for infantilizing me, but I’m 31. No need to grow up. I’m already here. And I sincerely hope you look at the criticisms you listed with neutral eyes, because I think you’ll find Hillary is the candidate you’re looking for.

I started out as a Bernie supporter and now I’m crying happy tears because I am so damn excited that Hillary is our nominee.

Funny how Jezebel doesn’t care about that but they’re willing to put some minor tv show or movie under the microscope to dissect the gender balance and diversity of the cast and crew. Meanwhile, Hillary has the most diverse campaign staff out there. Funny how Jezebel is silent on that.

I think its obscene that Sanders is bankrolling a losing campaign on the backs of the working poor.

As a reminder, this is a joint fundraising committee, which means that $5400 can be allocated to the Clinton campaign but the VAST majority of contributions go to the DNC and state parties to be used to build their GOTV and other local operations for the fall to support downballot candidates. These are the same people

He is most wrong about Clooney being a great actor...