Would it have backward compatibility of UMDs or at least free trade-in/conversion? If the price is not too ridiculous, I would buy that mock-up in a heart beat, then again, it's a Sony.
Would it have backward compatibility of UMDs or at least free trade-in/conversion? If the price is not too ridiculous, I would buy that mock-up in a heart beat, then again, it's a Sony.
@mikey.teh: Fine, on At&t. With the Galaxy S and iPhone launches, BB has basically no non-corporate customers.
"a quantum leap over anything that's out there"
@DangerousLiberal: Most professors/libraries do that and I have nothing against it. In general, students shouldn't cram at the last moment to study so there should be plenty of time to get studying done.
It might be justifiable: 2.4B and 7.6B in revenues only amounts to 1.2 and 3.8 million units sold, that's a max of 1/100 Americans, it's ambitious, assuming everyone in the US has $2k to blow but feasible.
Nice guide but you need another section: borrowing.
Some of Firefly(?!) is Mandarin and some are closer to Cantonese. Same goes for "Chinese".
Aren't all CEOs thugs? I haven't heard of one that plays nice.
@FriarNurgle: LOL, good to know. An early happy birthday to your son.
@FriarNurgle: Does being a father give you rights/privileges to buy more toys/gadgets "for our son" or is the wife usually shrewd enough to tell the difference?
@RT100: Yup, wonder what violation it could be.
@Aaron Martin-Colby: I too, am disappointed that Nokia and SE aren't giving us what we want. N900 would be one of their better phones. Hopefully Maemo and Android will bring the two handset companies back to life (respectively).
Reminds me of a scene from White and Nerdy. [www.youtube.com]
@Aaron Martin-Colby: N900?
@Fazulka: Skype in is not free but I was actually referring to the difference between the Mac and Windows versions of Skype.
@Norbs: Halting problem!
iRobot? iTerminateU? Who knows.
@Fazulka: @liroku: I have both and they're the same as far as I can tell. What's the difference?
All I see is a gigantic flamebait. Some topics are better left undiscussed.
@NanorH: iPhones represent class, power, character, charisma, taste and ... Wait, that's money. Some Chinese care about face, if you give them a brick with an Apple logo on it, they'd feel proud, much like some users here in the US.