President Xi of China

pLS Explain more the Leftists revolution? Is sympathetic to leftist China or no?

1984 was about an all-powerful surveillance and police state which is exactly what the progressives want. Progressives want to rid any possibility of defending yourself from this government by first removing guns from civilian hands for safety reasons [double-speak]. Then they want to institute language controls known

Yes. Same as Joe.

Thank you for translation. Americans can’t even explain what it is their own laws. 2A never said individuals can have guns only militia! Nobody is in a militia. What Americans never seem to realize is violence is violence no matter how. Ban guns violence goes down. How hard is that?

Shutup! Americans don’t need guns. Nobody needs guns. Especially America. If it saves one life it’s worth it!

Priority is to beat Trump and go back to normal. Whatever that takes.

I don’t like Beto! But you cannot attribute lies to his name. Beto could win if Biden falters.

1) Told you.

Joe Biden was picked as VP because he is old school union type man with firecracker tongue. Unpolished like the voters that will vote for him. Obama and Biden were yin and yang, same exact thing but different. No you are wrong! Biden and Obama were very similar in policy and rhetoric. Empathy! Versus Trump.

Bernie would have got crushed by Trump into little pieces and wouldn’t have even won the popular vote. So any discussion needs that first. Head in clouds isn’t underhanded. It’s head in clouds!

Yes they did!


Give me everything I want or else Trump can win. Who cares.

NO! Can win means it is to win that is above all else. It means that priority is Trump losing. So just liek I said before, many here think it is better to be a proud loser than to be a improud winner. That is wrong!

They said that about Obama too.

Good thing Biden has 8 years as VP with the most popular president. So not just not Trump. Also, experience. Also, coherent speaker with good track record. Also, empathy and humanism instead of brash dumb and money talker.

Not the point.

Somebody should make smaller version of same article. No way there is jam-packed ideas in here, just jam-packed with words. Unnecessary, gratuitous, indefensible. Did not read, will not read.

Listen I like Bernie and respect him for trying to be president before he dies but he should use his sway to endorse someone who can win. Nobody who voted for Hillary is voting for Bernie. They still hate him for saying the primary was rigged.

Beto is the only other realistic person that could win except Biden. Nobody else has a real chance.