
@Lee Millar: I posted the same thing after your post. Didn't see it, sorry. And what kind of bandwidth does 3D require? More? Less? I almost wonder if it is less. Or if there will be 3D standard and 3D HD subscription packages. This is weird. People in their living rooms wearing glasses while watching

@bitgod: I hope not, but probably. Seems to find a way to drag all good inventions down.

Looks great in demo mode, so did HD. How badly will the providers screw it up, also like HD, with compression and compromises? What will the on screen graphics and programming promos at the bottom of the screen look like? They'll most likely be the closest things to our face when in 3D.

Sounds expensive.

@FriarNurgle: Nice. I think the magnetic shield repels though.

Looks like he went from searching to finding to contacting. Alien plant. Caught you before you could signal the mother fleet didn't we?

@tvcity6455: And at the end of the day it all comes down to human interface design, Apple's stock and trade. That is buried in this discussion. If it weren't for the interface designers there would be no iPhone or Mac OS popularity. The interface has always been what draws me to Apple products and not the tech.

I didn't read the Jesus post or the comments, but the headline sure made me smile when I saw it at work today. A long time coming was my thought. "Apple knows nothing about the phone industry" remarks come to mind when I think back to what was said when the iPhone came out.

The Giz author isn't lying, I just read the patent claim. Sure sounds like SUDO. Someone tell me this isn't sudo, "Systems and/or methods are described that enable a user to elevate his or her rights. In one embodiment, these systems and/or methods present a user interface identifying an account having a right to

Who was that guy? 7 is nothing like X and everything else he said was stupid. I'd rather post about Star Trek vs. Star Wars than this. #windows7mac

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