Pun Croc

Wow, I guess it’s my age (early 40's) because all of the outfits (except Brit’s - that dress is amaze) look absolutely horrific to me. I don’t understand...so everyone is a giant poseur. The kids, whomever they are, look like total goobers.

Affluenza Chic

Damn it, well done! Good show ol’ chap.

This person is a human being. You should trying being one.

Replying immediately after reading Whitney’s tweet; 100% I know this to be truth. Fucking duuuuuuudes, argghhh

Thank you for making my morning! I just adore Nick and Jenny. I have missed them so much. This is perfect. I must say that heavily bearded Nick Kroll is kind doing it for me.


Thank you, totally going to watch that.

100% Mindy and a show called Casual.

That's your opioion. I hope this person does not listen to your foolishness. Mindy Project is a fucking delight. You didn't like it, I love it, and this person will form their own opinion once they realize that $11.99 is worth it because also the show Casual and massive run on sentence. :)

Ha! Interesting...and scandalous!

Wait, whaaa?!?! BAG got back together with that transformer broad?!?! I thought they totally split.

I have never liked this asshole. He ruined the Lakers for me even before this incident. I never got into him or Shaq, They turned the Lakers into a circus. Give me Showtime era any day. Oh and fuck this guy and this holiday. I’m ashamed of my hometown.

I’m embarrassed of how much I love this show. I watched it twice last week, which is not typical. I don’t know what it is exactly, but damn it I can’t get enough! I honestly think this is the most contrived season yet, which makes sense I guess.

This makes me incredibly angry. These racist garbage cans need to be taken down and exposed. Anonymous, or someone, anyone..fuck, man. She does not deserve this intense hate. It must feel so awful, and now this. fuck.

Reason # 6759857 to never visit Florida.

This is absolutely horrible and heartbreaking. What a piece of human garbage to do something like that to anyone, let alone an older person. WTF, I have read too much shitty news today. I am livid and it’s not even 10am (PST).

Love me some Dot!

They’re working on The Mindy Project! Rhea is Mindy’s baby daddy’s mom and the other woman is her best friend on the show.