Don't be daft. He's saying that it's true for Game Of Thrones (and other HBO content) not for all content.
Don't be daft. He's saying that it's true for Game Of Thrones (and other HBO content) not for all content.
He has a whole bunch of solid albums but I'm not sure if that's entry level stuff. Maybe Big Loada or Feed Me Weird Things (for those into fusion).
I love early Revolting Cocks. Their first three albums hold up really well and the production is much better than on a lot of the other stuff in their genre.
Amp was great for showing me Mr. Oizo, who I still listen to.
I hated Groove Armada in the 90s but I recently found myself really digging a track of theirs that was playing over Pandora. I bought their last album Black Light and although it's definitely patchy it's a lot better than their earlier output.
Deadmau5 and a lot of radio pop just sounds like progressive house from the early 00s. It's really nothing new, but once you go away from the really big acts there's a lot of interesting things going on in electronic music as a broader genre.
Homework was the soundtrack to one of the best times in my life (junior year of high school). At the time Daft Punk wasn't as huge and so they'd DJ in Chicago like once a month. I got to see them live at least ten times. It was such a huge album for me.
You bring up a good point though. There are a lot of bands that get attention that straddle that line between electronic music and more traditional rock and I guess it's all in the eye of the beholder. I would say Cut Copy is an electronic pop group but I could see someone else thinking of them more as a rock pop…
The American electronic music scene really hasn't evolved much from the 90s. Even a lot of fans seems stuck in the late 90s/early 00s. Don't get me wrong, there are still some great producers in America, mostly in the chill wave or glo-fi (hate these terms) genres but when you bring up electronic music to most casual…
You should check out some of the stuff by TeeVee Graphics. They've made a number of videos that lampoon the Japanese tendency to overemphasize tradition and ritual. Make sure to watch the ones in Japanese and not dubbed because there is some humor lost in the translated versions.
@avclub-5182625d9db22ee7fba7b1acf3d429a9:disqus - Too damned fancy if you ask me… or my anus.
While watching Ninth Gate the feeling of being drugged in a hot tub washed over me. I woke in the theater some time later with a sore anus.
I'm going to allow this.
I just figured they'd say something like Reality Show Star
I could see this song playing in the background of some small town coffee shop. It's even sporting one of the most common chord progression in pop music. Not quite as Lynchian as what I was imagining when seeing the still.
Did anyone visit their site? Award Pictures couldn't even produce themselves a website that doesn't look like it was created by a student in a 90s intro to web design class.
Despite the clip not doing much for me, I'll watch it. Just for the cast.
I can't remember the last time I went a whole week without teasing one out. …Must've been before I could formulate memories.
@drdarke:disqus Fair enough. I misinterpreted your comment. But I think you're misreading Tyrannorabbit's as well. I don't think his very specific comment on the horribleness of Kate Hudson's recent output was condemning all films that primarily target women audiences.
Which one has cancer though?