
Joel McHale is probably a large part of why I don't really enjoy this show too.

Is this where the people who aren't completely enamored with Community sign in? I watched the whole first season but didn't find myself compelled to watch any further. Not that I hate the show or anything; I'm glad it exists but I just felt like it was trying to be too cute or something. I have a hard time

Dear indie film makers,
Please cut it out with the "tinkly music-box scores." My brain can't fucking take it anymore.
Super best regards,

@avclub-f079b53bcfcde2c125cc74ced47bfbcd:disqus  He'll be cool with it after the operation though, right? Ask him for me.

I think you are greatly misrepresenting what most atheists believe (or lack belief in). I doubt there are many who claim to have "figured out" there is no higher intelligence or power in the universe. Many probably do believe in or at least will admit to the possibility of the existence of other lifeforms in the

My Nana will definitely be thrilled about this.

He is disgusting. I guess I was a pretty weird kid.

Yeah, I remember having sometimes three cards with identical pictures and different names. I actually had quite the collection until my parents decided to throw them all away.

They should go with a different color shirt. The text on the front will be illegible in a few days, buried under layers of sweat, vomit, and dirt.

M.U.S.C.L.E.S were totally rad. I had two igloo coolers full of them. My parents sure hated them though because I'd always leave them scattered around the house.

I don't remember his name but he was covered in eyes and was holding a microscope.  I do remember my five year old self crying because some older kid stole it from me though. That asshole.

I don't know. Jack Black has probably made me laugh more than Eddie Murphy has in the last 15 years.

I'm straight and well under 65. What do I get?

It's as big as a house.

I threw a basketball at a kid who trying to bully me in high school pe class when I was a freshman. It hit him in the face, knocked him off his feet and gave him a gushing bloody nose. I told him if he ever said or did anything to me again I would kill him. I was never bullied by him or anyone else again. So, although

I would have an L for Layabout. Also CM for Chronic Masturbater.

Yes, in the style of dub.

When I look at that screencap I hear the Jurassic Park theme.

Yeah, I read about that crazy bitch yesterday. She got life though…lol!

I still love someone's comment of "You're the band now, Dawes!"