
You said "so you can hate soccer", which I don't.

The Briton in you should know that England is where the word "Soccer" originated...

I actually love soccer. I never said I hated soccer, and I never said flopping of any kind doesn't happen in the NBA and the NFL. You are putting words in my mouth for no reason, and arguing with me over things that weren't even part of an argument of mine.

You are grasping at straws here. I agree that they don't do a good job preventing traveling in the NBA. What does that have to do with arguing that soccer players flop WAY more than NBA or NFL players?

Not sure if you're trolling or just like to make wild assumptions based on things I didn't say...

If you really think basketball and football are as bad as soccer players you need to get your eyes, and brain, checked.

Seriously man... I don't care how they try to spin it, that's fucking fast.

which is why there were other "football" names for some of these sports (like Rugby Football, for example).

I appreciate your thorough responses but I think you are longing for a time that is long past. Obviously I would like to live in an ideal world where automakers take fully honest approaches to their cars and marketing, along with staying true to themselves, but while you hope there will be a reversal of the new order

Man you must be fun at parties!

It was called football because it was a game with a ball that was played on foot.

I feel like you just described EVERY business and EVERY car company along with their ultimate goals. You think the upper management are elitists douches at VW? Try working in the entertainment industry. Doesn't every car company try to push their car as "sporty" and sophisticated when it really isn't just because

Boy, you're a bundle of fun. Why do you hate VW group anyway?

As absurd as it may sound, I literally have not seen a cyclist in my town that actually stopped for stop signs unless they were about to get run over. Luckily we have so much traffic that they kind of have to stop for red lights, but certainly don't stop if they get any space to gun it. I have actually gotten the

They sure as hell make everyone's day a lot worse though. And that is where the pain caused (stress/psychological) cannot be quantified as easily as "did you get injured".

You are making the assumption that there exist cyclists who actually obey the rules of the road. Where I live at least, that is the wrong assumption.

That is so 90's of you to say.

It's 25 in most school zones I've seen here in California... I guess us Californians care more about getting places than the safety of the cheeldren. Think of the cheeeeeldren California, damn you!

The Camaro and Challenger are both elephants in comparison, but that doesn't mean the current car is not a pig.