
Do you have Kinect in the room you guys were talking in?

heheheeh... "crap" and humility.

I can tell you got first place on the speech and debate team. Bravo. I salute you.

I didn't ignore it, you said "they take things from us" as though you live in said problematic place.

Transformers 3 was by far the best one of the series, and had some pretty long awesome fights. I think this next one looks promising.

I feel like you are ignoring the side of the story where some kids felt safe enough to go play in their yard in the first place without the threat of gang violence/robbery that you obviously fear in your home town. So on one side we have the paranoid neighbor, and on the other we at least have a safe enough country

it was sarcasm.

A pretty goddamn interesting one if you ask me.

Well they pay extra for the space, it's like when some people can only get a honda civic while others get the s-class.

that is one way of looking at it, and while I don't want to try to pretend I'm more knowledgeable than CS Lewis on the whole situation he is still unfortunately not the single utmost authority on all things Jesus. I do believe, however, that Jesus set an example with his actions that embody loving one another even if

Yeah unless it's like mirrorlink that will just replicate any smartphone screen on the dashboard, having an "apple only" car is insane. Android has become a HUGE phone market and any car company that picks one side or the other would seem to be shooting themselves in the foot.

I'm not saying it's not man-made. That's actually EXACTLY what I am saying. I'm saying that it isn't the book itself that causes people to do or believe such horrible things—it is the people that want to believe this type of thing. People are the driving force behind ALL OF IT. And people are, quite simply, horrible

Yeah but he didn't want human beings to be the judge of who was damned to hell. People sort of just decided that was going to be their job. He said, according to the bible, that everyone has sinned and is therefore equally hell-bound no matter what the sin. Hatred for each other was one of these sins. The only way to

There you are, doing exactly what I said—cherry picking pieces of the bible to support your own argument. There are many conflicting views in the bible but the general message of the new testament (you know, the whole part that most christians really care about) is to love each other in spite of their sins. That's why

I cannot put into words how much I agree with everything you just said.

I like that you say religions acted a particular way as though religions are people. Religion in itself is not always a corrupt entity. People are, and will use any devices at their disposal (including religion) to seek their own corrupt means. I never heard of a bible jumping up and burning anybody, but I sure as

Really though, you actually can prove that what is in the video game is not real. Being a video game, and made up completely, it is obvious it is not true. To a lot of people, because you can't prove what is in their religious text is not true they will not turn their back on it. If you think it's ridiculous to

So you're telling me that 4.6 seconds (probably honestly less since Porsche tends to do underestimate their speed) to 60mph is not fast enough in a porker like this?

Yeah, Ocarina of Time is pretty much the greatest thing ever created by mankind.

That is grounds for divorce in my book! Haha poor guy. Guess I never thought of the people who are just victims and are forced to drive them so drive like assholes because being in them makes them hate the world...