
I’ve often found that 2v2 online is a good balance if 1v1 is too strenuous for long sessions (it often is for me – I take it too seriously). Yeah, 2v2 is still frustratingly not a stock/team attack:on match but its a good middle ground of competitiveness. It’s not as stressful as 1v1 because your mistakes aren’t

Yeah, I was also reading this at work, in a cubicle. I hate that NSFW warnings have to be a thing, but... they actually do.


The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

There’s just something about platformers — nay, good platformers — on the SNES. Super Mario World, Yoshi’s Island, Mega Man X and the first two Donkey Kong Country games all feel different, but when you’re in the zone in any of those games, everything just feels right.

Well thats what EA does now. They make a full game, strip out parts and sell them to you later. A $60 game is now a $110 game.

What do Capcom, Sega, Bandai-Namco, and Nintendo all have in common?

The first Bubsy was plenty of fun. Yes, Bubsy 3D was pretty bad, and I can’t speak to the second, but the first was fun.

Strange stuff has been happening lately in where 16 bit games are coming out on current gen systems. Super Star Wars. Now Bubsy. What’s next? Cool Spot?

Already own the first two on the Genesis. Despite their rep, they’re not too bad. Not great, but playable and somewhat fun.

I’m not sure what you’re on, really. People liked Bubsy, the game. It wasn’t until his ill-fated 3D PS1 version that people wanted to kill him. Mainly any hate he got was because he was another attempt at “mascot gaming” even though Bubsy was a platform agnostic whore. It was also on trend for gaming characters that

I kind of agree with you; but the Scanner Darkly movie nailed it :)

Because for many current gamers, Cloud represents their jumping-on point for the Final Fantasy series.

I’m a relative “old” for the hobby. I was nine when the first Final Fantasy came to the West on the NES. I’ve been with it ever since.

That doesn’t give me preference or any kind of worth relative to the fandom; I say

Because Nintendo actually took the polls more seriously than anyone expected.

But why is he white? Why is everyone white?

Not the Old Testament God. He’s angry, jealous, and wrathful.

pretty sure the worst sin is not believing in god.

Fun fact: mouth breathers still mad at woman, apparently.