Oh good, now I’m picturing Iwata in place of Ash in that scene and this time no revival. Thanks.
Oh good, now I’m picturing Iwata in place of Ash in that scene and this time no revival. Thanks.
Good points, and I’m glad for once someone considered that there are gamer parents out there.
I’ve personally hit the point in my life where I have to start asking “Do I play enough to justify a new system”? And I think that is a demograph that needs analysis, “gamers gone off to pasture”. Certainly I still pick up a…
But: What the hell is he talking about? His explanation is so limp it barely holds up to a sidelong glance. Sony has left all of us languishing with unchangeable PSN IDs for years because they want to combat griefers? Are there really people who would go harass Far Cryplayers, then pay to change their PSN ID in order…
First off, as an adult, I save for things that arent video game consoles. Second, its not just $350, if I buy a console, im going to buy, at least, two controllers, and a few video games to start, that runs up to probably $500. I could use that money to fly home and see my family. there are more important things in…
The people who compain about a $350 console are the same that go out and buy a new phone every 6 months.
Scalebound, while admittedly cool looking, is really the only Japanese exclusive the One has going for it for the foreseeable future.
There aren’t enough exclusives for me. If I can get it on PC, I’m going to get it there. The Wii U is probably the only console I’m going to end up buying this generation.
Target has a buy 2 get 1 free deal on select games. You can even mix and match on different consoles.
Agreed with the assessment of the Wii U. Since the Gamecube, Nintendo consoles have always been a supplement to a Playstation/Xbox. A great supplement, but still a supplement.
Kotaku’s ongoing Promotional Relationship w/ PewPewPie continues! ALL HAIL OUR HERO AND SAVIOR PEWPEWPIE! ALl GLORY TO HIM!
It’s true about how these things don’t hit you until a while after they happen.
Really glad Reggie addressed him immediately in the Direct. Nintendo has some great fans.
The thing I really like about these videos is that they really show off what Conan does best comedically. He’s great as a talk show host, but Conan is at his very best when he’s making jokes off the cuff. He’s got a great sense of comedic timing and an amazing improviser. These are just like his on the street…
During watching the direct, many guys on twitch wanted to join him.
I really miss the kindness in his voice when he said “Hello Every One, I am Satoru Iwata from Nintendo”.
Other than the wild success of the Wii and the 3DS?
He really made Nintendo Directs something special. While we got lots of good news, it didn’t have that special Iwata touch to it.
Thanks for reminding us. Now I’ve got the thought of that muppet scene in E3 where he knocks on Mr Iwata’s door only this time no one answers