
If only it had been called Wii 2 - or actually marketed properly.

This is the type of box art that makes me glad that some companies rely more on stylized design and less on realism. These games age well, and the realistic ones do not. If NoA changes this boxart, I will be importing my copy from Japan and downloading the game from the eshop. I’m tired of NA always getting the

There, there.. you have already been throw enough. Don’t beat yourself up about it.

I can’t handle this...

If we’re talking defining Nintendo-launched franchises, any of the heroes from the first 6 Dragon Quest games, Shin Megami Tensei, Chrono Trigger (gimme Crono doing X-Strike with a summoned Frog and I’ll *lose my shit* in a way Cloud can only dream of achieving), Stafy (look it up), anyone from Fatal Fury, anything

How the hell does this not get the OK from Nintendo to use the F-Zero licence?

This one is a bigger affront

Anyone who thinks the Smash image is making light of the situation has never experienced the trauma of accidentally throwing a cluster of pikmin to their death.

Now playing

Nintendo also quietly released this.....an awesome looking futuristic Indie racing game that’s not F-Zero!

You fail. One has great use of color and line work and the other has a generic gold background.

I’m sick of them giving the western release crappy art. Look at Skyward sword for example. Here’s Japan’s:

Hate to break it to you, but you are going to have words. There’s no way they aren’t going to change that. It looks too awesome for NOA.

This game looks like a cross between Persona and TWEWY raised by anime trash.

Kid Icarus: Uprising is probably one of the best games I’ve ever played period and I’m left-handed.

I seriously lost it at the real bunny morph. It´s way too awesome.

Pretty sure that’s Gene after he’s finally reached his limit.

Do you feel the same way when you see the same actor in different movies?

First time I see this disclairmer in a free to start game. At least someone is honest with their costumers.