.... a legend whose hatred of dog balls is unmatched in the entirety of recorded history.
.... a legend whose hatred of dog balls is unmatched in the entirety of recorded history.
For me, it was the part about the woman staring down the father “like a cowboy with nothing to live for”!
I’m only replying because your name. And my name.
Wait, green tea ice cream is ACTUALLY a thing? Consarned hippies ruinin’ everything with their fancy-pantsy green tea! BACK IN MY DAY, WE ONLY HAD CUT ORANGE AND BLACK PEKOE TEA! AND WE LIKED IT! Preferably with three teaspoons of REAL SUGAR.
Auggghhhh! Oh, man, they tried to pull that stunt in the Cambridge Public Schools and the parents threw a S*&t fit. How boneheaded is that? Parents actually circulated a copy of the school regulations that stated that recess cannot be withheld for disciplinary reasons, copied it a bunch of times, and just handed it…
The thing is just to make the kiddo responsible for their own shit. But that’s a chore in itself. I dunno, I feel guilty all the time for not being more involved, but then I sit on the couch with the baby and the 10 year old while the 2 year old does a silly dance and all three collapse in a fit of giggles and I…
I dunno about that time scale, but once driverless cars are effective and ubiquitous, it’s going to be hard to keep humans in the picture. Thirty thousand people a year die in car crashes. If you could shrink that number to 1000, I think legislators will be all over it.
I am shocked not to have seen anyone justifying not tipping on children’s meals yet - that terrible assumption seems to run rampant with the type who demonstrate Pinkham’s law.
Had to re-read that one three times and I still am not entirely sure what happened. I keep trying to reconstruct the moment in my mind and it always just deteriorates into a rainbow acid explosion with unicorns singing and dancing to Funky Town.
My sides reached orbit at “first generation Fat-Lesbian”. I only hope that one day, I too will be able to find someone who will stare down assholes while I dance to songs from the 70s.
People shouting “FAKE” about stories isn’t an example of Pinkham’s Law, but I hate it just as much as if it was one. People who plan to leave these comments: just don’t bother commenting. No one cares. Absolutely no one cares.
The girl that gave those customers free milkshakes every time they came in because they were nice and tipped her during the recession. Those aren’t your milkshakes to be handing out willy nilly, girl. That’s called stealing from your employer.
I had a friend who REALLY loved wasabi. Whenever we went for sushi, they’d keep giving him more as he could cheerfully eat it straight.
The writing on that one is the BEST. I lost it at fleeing the great Fucks Famine of 2015.
OH GOD. I haven’t even finished reading but that Funky Town story has brought actual tears to my eyes.