
Well said, and my two cents on the matter is: I wish this many people could find the interest and passion to rally against corrupt political and economical establishments too. Don't get me wrong, this routing out of such blatant misogyny is a step in the right direction, and a long time coming, I just feel hopeless

I wouldn't really call it the "information" age. We're now in the age of textual diarrhea. Every. Little. Thought. Posted online for all to see.

The scary part is how easy it is to NOT damage your professional reputation in the information age, yet people do it anyhow.

Also note that he casually mentioned that there are 4 or 5 members depending on who you count which sounds suspiciously like he didn't count one of the contributing members and is airing it in his apology post. Also, this thing all wreaks of being a ploy.

Yea, clearly this guy is not to bright but what can you expect from a generation of morons who grew up with the internet and think it is their obligation to put every waking thought they have on the internet for the world to see. "I just robbed a bank and am smoking a victory bowl with a stack of money in my hand,

I've seen Twitter ruin more peoples lives in the last few years........

That's why I don't think he learned his lesson. He is still speaking the same way as he did on twitter against Gabe. His childish rage is just directed to something less tangible and can't fight back at him.

My temper and tendency to use twitter to vent has been a consistent problem since I entered the games industry, and I just can't do it. I don't have the willpower necessary to be the "face" of a company. If I do continue to work in games it'll be as an anonymous 1 of 1000 at some shitty corporation, not the most

I agree...MSN was used a lot in those times...hell...FB didn't even have a chat if I remember correctly...and it was MySpace that people used more.

This is very accurate.

All 20 of your ambassador games will transfer, problem free. :)

Not gonna lie, I prefered Lucas' Moves over Ness. Dat home run twig.

This was great. Gaming has been a big part of my life, and I also worked at Target (for a year after college). This made me reminisce about video games and the context and backdrops they have provided for certain seminal moments in my life. What was I playing when I graduated highschool, college, when I was going

Growing Up Sixty-Four

I dare say the Nintendo 64 is The Most Interesting Game System Nintendo Ever Made. It's interesting for a laundry

Captain Falcon, Ness, Doctor Mario, Duck Hunt, (Fox/Falco? Are they making a new game?), Ice Climbers, Little Mac, Mega Man, R.O.B. How many of these haven't had a game in years, or actually have a new game planned?

A lot of the quotes sound like horgwarsh to me. They pretty much just pick whatever the hell they want.

"Basically, any character is accepted if I believe it works [in the game]. On the other hand, even if a character is unique, if they overlap with other characters and aren't unique as a fighter, they are rejected."

On the other hand, even if a character is unique, if they overlap with other characters and aren't unique as a fighter, they are rejected.

Yeah the post is pretty BS. According to his post we shouldn't have clones like Dr. Mario and Lucina and Ness, Captain Falcon, Duck Hunt Dog and R.O.B. shouldn't even be in the game.

As for who doesn't make the cut, Sakurai noted, "Characters from a series that has no future are rarely chosen. Also, fighters that switch models are a different matter."