As someone from Ottawa (who is speaking only for myself), I really don't need this chick to be offended on my behalf.
As someone from Ottawa (who is speaking only for myself), I really don't need this chick to be offended on my behalf.
God damn it, who is it?! Do people who act like this really deserve to have their privacy protected?
Oh god, I can't with this shit. Does he really think that there is a difference between the fear felt when a stranger breaks in, or when you know it is your abusive partner? That honestly makes my blood run cold. I am not in South Carolina, but if I was, I would do everything in my power to get this guy out of his…
Hold the phone- people send out cards announcing their pregnancies? Unless you're the Duchess of Cambridge, that seems ludicrously pretentious and self-involved (no offense to your friend).
My 90 year old grandmother watches it because it comes on after the news and before jeopardy. I don't know how someone who can't abide co-habitation before marriage can tolerate it every day. Recently, she expressed shock at the tight state of girls' pants and 'the poor little boys' who have to control themselves…
I saw the title and thought, "well that's a nice change! There are actually schools that are progressive on this issue!" And then I read the article...sigh, same old disappointing crap.
I know I'm turning into my mother because I see her and I think, "Aww, what a shame, you should never have cut your lovely long hair!" (Words I have tried to rebel against my entire life).
Male you say? Color me shocked.
I'm happy to see the NYT addressing this issue. I am UNHAPPY to see their editor's picks for top comments. In an article that describes a girl taking cold medication and going to sleep, the counter point from the commentors seems to be that girls are getting too drunk now all those false rape accusations…
I just don't understand why pharmaceutical companies don't want this to happen. Surely, their lobbyists have time? It seems to me there is plenty of money to be made off of letting women buy the pills whenever they want.
Jesus. The lesbians might be on to something.
Oh god, the onion knight. Who the hell cares?!
I have a basset hound who sinks head first. Entertaining in its own way I suppose.
Yeah, what if? You honestly think that applies here? If a man reasonably feels threatened by a woman, of course he should defend himself! That is so so so beside the point of this story. Antagonizing someone and threatening someone's safety are completely different.
Actually, the law does that these factors into consideration. Did he really feel his safety was threatened? Did he really feel that he had to render her unconscious to defend himself? That's how the law works. Context.
Yes genius, that's exactly what I said. Equality doesn't have anything to do with decking someone you supposedly love with the force to render them unconscious, fully being aware of your own strength and their own weakness. And yeah, if it was his son or his grandfather or someone smaller and weaker than him whom he…
Lol, yup, those crazy irrational ladies wanting equal pay but NOT the punches. I commend your very nuanced view of the world.
So Jezebel needs to publish more negative stories about women? Video games aren't people. Now if Kotaku gets a hard time for not publishing enough stories that are anti-gamer or have headlines with "Why don't you people just go outside and interact with Humans?" (not that I would agree with that sentiment) then maybe…
I was referring to the lack of shitting on Hillary stories.