
That makes complete sense, and you explained it in a way that I’ve never heard or thought of before! Thank you, my darling potato!

You can police every aspect of your speech, you can wear the right things, you can get all the degrees and expertise, you can write the most fucking eloquent and heartbreaking courtroom statement and still there are men who will not hear you because they just don’t listen to women.

This breaks my heart.

I lost two aunts to prescription drug abuse - one was bipolar and OD’d on a cocktail of prescription meds, and the other OD’d on morphine patches. Each left behind two children, and not much else. One had an inheritance in the low six figures, nearly all of which was gone upon her death, likely spent fueling her

Prescription opioid abuse is the most widespread, most damaging drug problem in the country, but let’s keep debating whether or not to legalize marijuana.

In all seriousness, the over-prescribing of opioids is a serious problem, and I will eat my hat if this doesn’t unleash the litigation wave a la tobacco.

As the daughter of an addict this is literally what my father did. He was sober for 16 years, met someone, separated from my mother, went off the fucking rails for a few years and was a nasty addict, got clean and was sober again until he died from a fall a year ago. This literally does happen.

Oh please the more likely story is that she was out for money to begin with and has been planning this from the start of their relationship, faked all these injuries, eyewitness accounts, and text messages to ensure a big payday.

Shit, this breaks my heart.

So, she totally rebuffed his flirting and he’s taking his hurt fee-fees to the media, right?

If you’re holding it above your head blocking someone’s view you are in fact ruining someone else’s experience. It happens to me all the time.

This is a HUGE pet peeve of mine and is starting to ruin concerts for me.

False. Hollywood reboots movies that absolutely do not need them all the time (and most of the time the trailers for those projects look like shit too). I can’t think of a single reboot that has attracted anywhere NEAR the level of vitriol as the Ghostbusters reboot. There’s almost nothing different from Ghostbusters

Funny, I read the youtube comments and it’s “OMG SJW feminazi’s ruin everything!”

I just left my husband of five years because his alcoholism was chronic and led him to be verbally abusive at times. He scared me because when I asked him to stop the answer was an empathic “no” and gaslighting me into a different place. I COMPLETELY understand her actions (inasmuch as one can understand another).

Absolutely. Even if an alcoholic is not physically abusive, many are emotionally and verbally abusive. If they think that you are stopping them from having a drink, all hell will break loose. Sadly “Where the Heart is” got it wrong, alcoholics are not content enough just to hurt themselves.

Or brings out the monster that was already there.


“If you’re not a liberal when you’re 20, you have no heart. If you’re not a conservative when you’re 40, you have no head.”

Vanessa Paradis is cackling most delightedly in her French mansion with a glass of the good stuff and the pool boy.