
This was so obvious to me from the get-go that I’ve been surprised reading the comments!

What I am seeing is people absolutely bound and determined to be as judgmental as they possibly can.

thank you. it’s very frustrating to have women who had great childhoods/stable relationships with their fathers come in and tell us we’re fucked up. I’m 32 and still dealing with the fall out of my father’s abandonment—-I’ve just finally stopped dating dudes who treat me like shit and thinking I can “change them”. Now

Agreed. The way young female dancers (as in, kids) are completely, over-the-top made up these days is really, really disturbing. When I took dance, it was maybe lipstick, some mascara, and, for 12-and-unders, we were good to go. Big caked-on lips with glitter lipstick and Nicki Minaj-level eye makeup is just ...

Actually, aspirin is more toxic than ADHD meds.

And the people who take them and don’t need them make it damn near impossible for people who DO need them (me, for example) to get them!

You know who loves Adderall? People with ADHD!

Would you want your friends speculating on the validity of your illnesses?

that’s not how it works. The medication inside breaks down at different speeds.


It is pretty common to be diagnosed later in life, but I do realize there are still people who abuse the drug. And also, there isn’t really a test for ADHD that is foolproof, so people can likely fake it if they want to. And I hate it when people do that because it makes ADHD sound less serious that it actually is.

My tolerance levels are done. I’m not addicted to it psychologically, but I am very addicted to it physically. Which is fine because I can always taper off of it when I need to (although idk when that will be because I kind of always need a functioning brain), but boy do I feel it if I forget it one day.

Stimulant medication has been used to treat what we now call ADHD since the 1930's. Classes of medication don't remain in use that long unless they are safe and effective.

People ask me for it all the time. “Please sell me some! I want a very slow consistent release that gives me almost no euphoria!”

Agreed! I hate the constant stigma of it. People automatically act like you’re on some sort of illicit substance. I failed out of college after 2 years after I coasted through highschool. Finally got diagnosed in my early 20s and sailed right through my bachelors degree with an almost perfect GPA. I went off for a few

Amen. Can people please demonstrate a little nuance when writing about ADHD and its treatment? Not to mention the upsides, like enhanced creativity, hyperfocus, increased physical and mental energy, etc. Or the interesting collision of gender socialization and neurochemistry in explaining how ADHD can present so

If Dodai were there too, I might try to assume your identity.

and who wants low level extended release amphetamines anyway?! that shit does NOTHING to get you high...

I was coming here to say basically all of this. ADHD SISTERS 4 LYFE!!!!

I think it’s funny how people who don’t need medication to function normally are so eager to demonize it (not necessarily calling out Ellie here). Yes, the pharmaceutical industry is problematic as HELL but that’s more a result of combining capitalism with medicine than it is something inherent to the concept of