
Youre taking the Walking Dead finale a bit hard, arent you.

one thing is for certain: The Walking Dead knows how to deliver an intense episode without anyone dying or fighting.

judgy mcbitch over there needs to cool it with the prurience. thanks for making the obvious point- self-medication is SO prevalent especially since access to health care professionals for most people is so limited (and coke is just an “illegal” form of it- unlike booze which most people turn to, or weed).

Depression isn’t feeling sad. It’s feeling that you’re in a black pit that wants to swallow you up.

since when do we cover extreme fetishes in so much detail on this website smh

You ever get the feeling these women want a return to the 1950s? Like, in some twisted way they think they won’t have to work, cam be SAHMs guilt-free, and letting a man be the head of the household a la Betty Draper is appealing to them?

Now playing

This is literally what plays in my head when Elizabeth Warren starts talking:

This wasn’t too long after [her first love] Brian

Wow. So Dustin Hoffman is a real asshole, huh? You learn something new every day, I tell ya.

I also see this trend on Jezebel.

Yes, it can, but then why is this article all about her? I’m not dismissing the topic, just commenting on the exhausting trend especially on Jezebel to promote someone as this great savior feminist icon then after months of love gradually tear them down.

Lighter-skinned people of various ethnicities use skin-lightening products for these kinds of reasons in the U.S. too. Age spots, hyperpigmentation from scarring, freckles, and so on. To even out, rather than to lighten overall.

There should be a countdown whenever people start loving a female celebrity and putting her on a pedestal to the inevitable day they call her out for something maybe even beyond her control and tear her down. I'm so sick of this same cycle again and again.

You do realize that heterosexual cisgender people are about 90-95% of the population of the world, right?

Phew, I was worried we wouldn’t be able to attack Emma Watson from the left.

I find her music to be derivative. I especially hated her Harajuku girls period. And, you're right about her voice.

47 seconds & quit it. Auto tune must die.

I contoured the fuck outta my face Saturday night (lips included). Color Corrected too. It wasn’t me, but whoever it was, she looked goooood.

I blame the same social phenomenon that has studios making nothing but comic book movies and remakes. The audience is out there, but the bean counters will only let people do the absolute safest thing, comic book movies and dance beats. Alt-rock used to be really popular, now any of them that are still in the game are