
I have 4 children and I regained my chill by not participating in that shit anymore. My kids run all over outside, aren’t in twelve million different activities, and this weekend we had a birthday party that involved a nerf war and a storebought cake. Meanwhile, the mothers in their school have this enormous pressure

But see that’s why Donald Trump is so dangerous—they think he’s one of them. How the fuck they think that I have no idea, but he doesn’t talk like a politician, and he doesn’t seem to give a fuck, and they love that. That’s the scary part to me. I live in a rural area and the way that people are talking about him with

Yes, lots and lots of pride, lots of that whole hard work ethic bullshit as the conservative mindset. They go to public schools that are poorly funded, wind up with a sub-par education, and continue in the same cycle. Then when their “hard work” doesn’t pay off they bitch about someone else being at fault. They just

Have you ever been poor white trash? I have. It’s a miserable existence that is also quite hard to break out of. Poor people have never and will never be kings of Americaland.

Thank you! It actually hasn’t been that bad. I put off having my gallbladder removed for like a year and a half after I started having attacks, and I didn’t realize how tired and shitty it was causing me to feel. So other than the first week I had it out, and the aforementioned pooping, I actually feel pretty good.

I just had mine out in March and I am still learning this. But I am really happy to not be in pain all the time. I’ll take pooping after every meal to lying in the fetal position on my bathroom floor twice a week.

It fucks up the kids, too, so much. I was one of those kids, my mom never dated or had any friends or went anywhere and made it very known that it was because she had to BE WITH HER DAUGHTER. Fast forward many years and I had an incredibly hard time making friends, dealing with setbacks, functioning for myself. You

I’m really sorry your shift key broke.

That is an awful lot of words to dedicate to this. I literally have not clicked on an article with the Kardashians in about 6 months or so, until now, but you go ahead with your assumptions there, girl. Maybe you should get out of the house a little bit away from the internet, might do you some good.

Oh honey, I wish no one cared.

Yes poor, dear Kim Kardashian, crying herself to sleep over the comments of Jezebel. Seriously though, I’ve seen more people stan for the Kardashians on this website than other place I’ve gone on the internet.

I hear so much complaining like that in our town. It’s small but anecdotally filled with democrats, yet they are too busy/jaded/whatever to actually go to the elections, thus all of our leaders are conservative and Republican. So there went our school funding, the local library closed, the roads are despicable...it

They do forget and that’s the problem. So much passion for the presidential race that people forget to pay attention to the house and senate seats, which is why we end up with gd republicans running the show.

Oh my god that’s mean but true.

Fair enough. It just stuck out to me, being 31 myself.

Random question, why is it so important that it’s before you’re 30? Is that an expiration date or something?

That is Sophie Monk, and it is definitely Photoshopped, although she definitely does have augmented lips in real life. Very pretty girl but has had quite a bit of tweaks herself.

See now I’ve worked customer service so I wouldn’t do it to the cashiers...but that would be excellent to fuck with my cable company next time they throw in some random $20 fee.

Me to, I’ve bought so many little containers with absolutely no purpose. I just often wonder how people actually use them. They would totally make the ultimate cat toy, good idea.

Never been on 4 Chan, but 14 year old me fucked my brain up with some Buffy fanfic back in the day. Ah, Jimmy Orthanc, I’ll send you my therapy bills.