
What would you put in them? (I kind of love them too, I have no idea why.)

Kylie STARTED ignorance, okay? She was the first one to be ignorant and now all of you are just copying her ya jealous biches.

She’s 30? Holy...I thought she was like 22.

Why not Khina Kardashian?

Bam, nailed it right the hell here. I don’t understand why more people don’t realize that you’re screwed no matter what when it comes to these actresses.

My grandmother has had a purse with that pattern for about 20 years. So all I can think is that Kylie is wearing my grandma’s purse on her head.

Um...holy shit I’m old and also yes people were definitely fucking their brains out in my high school in 1998 without any marriages going on, so. Yeah.

...Would you rather hate her for no reason? Why give that much thought to a celebrity you don’t know?

It’s the middle school mean girl cycle on a large scale.

19 year olds are allowed to be immature...because they’re teenagers.

Definitely agree about the Harajuku girls time period, it was very creepy how she would walk around with those women like they were her pets.

I have some respect for her, but her voice always hurt my teeth.

I like her eyeshadow tho

Oh bullshit, dude. “Selling out”? How does one sell out one’s appearance? And honestly, she still had wrinkles and she still looked her age in the newer pictures, she didn’t look like a Kardashian. People thought she looked weird, that’s why there were so many articles on her.

I think it’s so ridiculous that everyone expects actresses to look perfect yet they can never talk about how they get there. I would much rather hear about the actual steps like what fillers they have than pretend it’s the magical secret of Neutrogena and salads.

It seems like it’s worn off though because she seemed just as squinty in this interview as she ever was. (I have very hooded eyes so I know of what I speak.)

Sounds like a plan.

Some women like porn too. I’m sorry that upsets you so much.

Oh my gosh they are just too cute. Love it.

They will.