
fuck you tan. i hope cancer devours your loved ones.

fuck you.

that’s some pretty fucking shallow criticism.

just shut the fuck up.

you’re some kind of fucking idiot

what kind of learning disability do you have?

lol nothing special. fucking idiot

go fuck your silly little idea of what good writing is. Cunt.

oh shut the fuck up and go play in traffic

you’re a garbage person, and i hope cancer eats you from the inside out

cs lewis was a xtian apology racist, so fuck off

wow, you’re a fuckin moron

An man, first sentence. #corrections

fuck you. i hope you get cancer

so you’re really enjoying your first day of psych 101?

fuck off and go play in traffic, you shit.

all these guys are garbage people. every one of them needs to be booted off whatever tour, their sponsors need to pull back

uh huh. tell us all about that, mr health inspector man. fucking idiot.

uh huh. sure jan. sure.

you don’t actually know anything about pirates, do you