you’re a fucking idiot if you think the russia investigation doesn’t matter. congrats on being part of the problem, dumbass
you’re a fucking idiot if you think the russia investigation doesn’t matter. congrats on being part of the problem, dumbass
wrong. it’s still fucking garbage.
Meh. Too little, too late.
It’s 2017. Don’t use BC and AD.
i knew and i clicked anyway and it was glorious
fuck, you’re stupid
fuck off. see a nazi, punch a nazi. you will not change their minds. the only good nazi is a dead one.
whatever bro. I call her a racist because she is one, not because i think it will hurt her feelings.
go fuck yourself, bitch boy
i hope cancer eats you from the inside out
what kind of fucking loser has their life changed by a cartoon?
brett gardner looks like he says at least one racist thing a day.
not really that likable.
no, i’m with you. i hate the small match size.
shut the fuck up, idiot.
swing and a miss, tho. trump is a republican. he is the party. they are him.
you’re wrong, and you’re fucking stupid, and you should get AIDS.
Betrayal has to be one of the worst games I’ve ever played
go fuck yourself. seriously, i hope you die in a fire.
you’ve never actually read the books, have you