
no it’s not, you stupid fucker.

go fuck yourself. i wish i knew you personally, so i could ridicule you to your face, you small dicked, no brained hillbilly piece of shit

that is just an insane stat.

that is just an insane stat.

i hope you lose a kid, to realize how fucking stupid you sound.

god you’re dumb

There’s nothing good tho. Same shitty pauldrons, lower level Merciless than what I have, and it can’t be used to infuse anything either. What a letdown

yeah, but this cleveland team gets to play the 2017 white sox

you’re fucking kidding right? stupid cunt

go fuck yourself, dickbag. you have no idea why the judge did this.

hahhahahahaha god you’re dumb.

it’s pretty stupid to mix and match shit like this for quests, too

i get your point, but it shouldnt be necessary to force us to do mp. have mp items if they want to do that

fuck bungie and their insistence on making us do MP to complete quests

fuck you, nazi. he casually spouted a fucking vile racial slur and you want to show people defending him? die in a fire.

lol. big ol swing and a miss, fanboy. stupid fuck.

yeah, we should never be worried for people who can afford a car you can’t, even during one of the largest storms we’ve ever seen. fuck you with a chainsaw

you’re a jerkoff.

you’re a jerkoff.

yeah, Sale shit the bed in some of his recent starts