Slowly loose health, eh?
Slowly loose health, eh?
Regarding disposable chopsticks, I’ve heard it’s also rude to rub them together to to remove bits of wood. Is that the case?
jesus christ you’re fucking stupid
Stupid fucking bungie. The new weapon system is moronic. I don’t care if they say this build is months old, I’m passing on this game.
All I thought while reading this was “he’s channeling my great grandmother.” it’s terrifying that the president has yogurt for a brain
no. You’re wrong. gear and abilities won’t change the fucking glacial pace of super recharges. bungie fucked us again
you’re dumb
Lol. What a stupid thing to be concerned about
Yeah he sounds totally cool. What a rad dude. So awesome.
Why the fuck would it hurt his legacy? Because assholes like you think a guy should stay with one team forever and ever? Die in a fire.
Fuck you and your greasy ‘heritage’
The NBA is light years ahead of other major sports when it comes to having their shit together. Thanks for the laugh!
Cops suck, but fuck skateboarders with a rusty poker. they give no shits for anything.
This is a thing of beauty (you know what I mean)
Go fuck yourself, you stupid condescending piece of shit.
What a fucking idiot
The only appropriate thing you wrote was ‘none of my business.’ fuck off
Go fuck yourself :)
You’re a fucking idiot.
It is so great here! Women are harassed on a daily basis and ignored if they report it, black people are murdered by police, Native Americans see their images as racist caricatures for football teams and their land stolen for useless, polluting pipelines, white supremacy is on the rise along with Islamophobia and…