
World Bank says there are around 5 billion people living on less than 10 dollars a day. Gotta have some criteria on letting people in unrelated to compassion.

Are you a meme?

Le hate Trump for doing things meme. Epic.

I would love the abstract/post-modern/etc. art wage gap to close. And I’m not talking about having women make millions for “art."

Chicago drivers are okay actually.

The one thing I read on your list was Bernie has no experience with people who aren’t white, maybe you missed all those civil rights protests he was in.

The comments summarized: hard labor is OK and be isn’t a victim because he went to north Korea and was a frat boy...ok

Victim blaming is only ok when I say it is.

But what does that imply if the method worked?

Machine learning has been around on the stock markets for a while. The difference between a computer and a human is dynamic algos. The computer was able to use machine learning and brute force processing to beat people at 1 game. The player can switch from go to checkers or anything else almost seamlessly. The