
I’m upset by this game.

A katamari is going to roll that thing up any minute now.

Without sounding like a millennial with a lawn complex (fat chance), from years of experience, this is not the impending apocalypse zoomers...

Gaming communities will survive - thrive, even - without TikTok. Get a grip.

Yeah I would imagine it’s mostly just “don’t be in Region X of the USA because that’s probably where we will be” and “You can’t completely destroy any existing major faction in case we want to use or reference them”

Nicely done, this was exactly my solve path as well. The two person case fell quickly, largely because there weren’t that many things you could try. But it wasn’t at all clear how to extrapolate to 3+ people. I’m glad you stuck with it. I think this solution is pretty cool.

Super Mario 64 is hugely important and has a ton of impact even to today, but the actual game is a little too rough around the edges for me to put it in the top spot like this. I loved it as a kid, but I really struggled to return to it a couple years back when the Super Mario 3D All-Stars pack came out (especially

I would actually love that. I’m a sucker for any game that involves restoring nature.

The fact that the ending they went with (which still isn’t a cliffhanger, it stopping a movie in the middle of an act) is somehow more of an ending than the original idea they had is insane to me.  I loved the movie but it is not a cliffhanger.  Since they bring up Empire, it is like the movie just stopped as soon as

Having no signal is actually a good reason to use airplane mode, because otherwise your phone will be using its transmitter at full power trying to find a signal. It’s effectively screaming “Is anyone there? Is anyone there?” and will drain your battery much faster. And if it does find a signal, it will be 6+ miles

The reason to turn on Airplane Mode is because your phone will continuously search for a signal while in the air and drain your battery. 

That’s the thing, Sandworms don’t eat humans for food. Humans have WAY way way too much water in them for that.

You realize the Morbius Re-release is one of the greatest cases of a large corporation getting punked in the history of PR.

The fuck you smoking? Hi-Fi Rush was a game of the year contender last year. it's a solid game. pentiment as well.

For me the PS5 was worth getting because I never had a PS4, so I got to catch up on a lot of that stuff. If I’d had a PS4 I would have felt pretty stupid for buying it.

I feel you on that. I finally jumped the gun and got the Spider-Man 2 bundle with the limited edition console to match my Spider-Man PS4 Pro. Talk about being underwhelmed with the console. I know I need to give it time and play more games on it but still when I look at it I always ask why. After I got the platinum

Man, my PS5 still feels like a newish addition to my console collection. I have no desire for an upgrade. It doesn't even feel like games are pushing it to its limits yet.

Eh. Phil Spencer opened the game up to looking at things like player count with his nonsense that there’s so much content people would be playing Starfield for a decade. I think it’s a proper conversation given that.

“Do you think games are getting too realistic and, as a result, the worlds are too busy and hard to read?”

I think people would find it less jarring if it wasn’t the same specific visual in so many different games. Like, I’m sure there’s ways to highlight ladders and ledges that are just as legible (ledgible?) but more rooted in individual worlds - because it’s pretty immersion-breaking when you see stuff that’s explicitly