
There’s a subtlety I think you’re missing. I didn’t say exactly 12:30, for example, I said a little after 12:30. That means the hour hand would point about halfway between 12 and 1, while the minute hand is just a little past 6, so when you swap them the minute hand is now pointing around the 2.5 minute mark like you

Okay so obviously 12:00 is valid

Then I think if the minute hand moves just past the 1 on the clock (a bit after 12:05) there’ll be a sweet spot where it’ll be reversible to just a tiny bit past 1:00 (hour hand just after 12, minute hand just after 1 becomes hour hand just after 1, minute hand just after 12). There’ll

On this subject, I always thought it was a shame they never got River Song back on during Whitaker’s time as Doctor. I’m sure that her reaction to a female Doctor have been delightful. Maybe Alex Kingston wasn’t available but they got John Barrowman back even though he hadn’t been on the show in a while so I wish they

It’s not an unnecessary contrivance. It’s just a natural consequence of the conditions listed in the riddle. You have to think about what the digits are saying. The digits correspond to the counts of their slots’ respective digits, and if you add up the count of each digit, it has to equal the total number of digits.

This is a very funny thing to say. It’s like if a puzzle required you to hit a certain odd number by multiplying together 2 other integers and I started by saying “we know the two factors have to be odd” and your response was to tell me I obviously looked it up because the puzzle didn’t explain to me that both factors

I think it’s 6210001000? The digits have to add up to 10 so it obviously has to mostly be zeroes or it’ll quickly add up to more than 10. If I put a big number on the 0 place, I need to put a one in the place of that big number. If I put a one in the place of that number, I’ll also obviously have to put a number in

My current TV isn’t a smart TV, and I’m so glad for that. Whenever I upgrade, I’m really hoping dumb TVs are still a thing. I know they’re still around, but I don’t know if they will be forever.

A rectangle in this case occurs when 2 columns have 2 of the same flavor in the same place. There 8 possible patterns for a column, S/S/F, S/F/S, F/S/S, S/S/S, F/F/S, F/S/F, S/F/F, and F/F/F. Keeping in mind the conditions for a rectangle, these can also be written as S/S/x, S/x/S, x/S/S, F/F/x, F/x/F, and x/F/F, so 6

To be honest these days I think WoW might have a younger average user

Neopets is very much not WoW for kids and started 5 years before WoW anyway

Worth mentioning that the story only starts to get good in expansions (or that’s what I’ve been told). I finally recently managed to get through the core story and almost to Heavensward in a 2-week free login campaign last year and the story has been dull as bricks so far.

When they’ve barely even started ES6, it’s hard to imagine they have more than the vaguest notions of what’ll be in Fallout 5

I really enjoy Captain Toad (favorite part of Mario 3D World and really glad it got its own game), I would love more of those. I also would love a Luigi’s Mansion that was more similar to the first (3 was already much better than 2 but I miss the interconnectedness of the mansion in the original). I’d also like a

You might wonder how on Earth you were supposed to realize that remainders were the key concept. Given the many possible distributions of cards, the group needs to somehow sort all of the cases into only 10 categories so that each prisoner can handle one of the categories. I’m not saying it’s easy, but after

I have a lot of nostalgia for older 2D Mario games (specifically the ones in Super Mario All Stars, since that was what my babysitter had) and Super Mario Sunshine, but I’d probably have to say Odyssey. They did such an amazing job making the captures feel good to control and making a bunch of interesting worlds just

I don’t have super specific hopes. I want the game to be closer to Arceus than to SV and I want the “A” in the logo to represent a new Pokemon, not just the ultimate weapon from XY. I do have a lot of questions/speculation though

Well it is listed as an action RPG like Arceus which doesn't guarantee it'll be like Arceus (could be action-based in a different way) but hopefully they can keep it feeling as snappy.

In an earlier statement, Wendy’s noted that menu items would get cheaper during slow times of the day.

That’s interesting, makes a lot of sense. It’s hard to imagine how that would look in a Pokemon game set entirely inside the city. Where would you catch wild Pokemon? Guess it’s not my job to figure that out so I don’t have to worry about that :p Just very curious to see what the game will be like

Yeah even if they hadn’t shown off the map and just said it would be entirely based in Lumiose I wouldn’t be worried about the size, I would have just assumed they scaled it up. The thing I’m curious about is just how they’ll handle nature, as ALJC brought up, since it’s a very urban environment.