
My guess is that based on the premise of redevelopment, it’ll start mostly urban (as it was in XY) and you’ll have only like a small park to catch Pokemon in and as you progress through the game you’ll add more nature and therefore more environments to catch Pokemon.

I see, I’ve never noticed that phrasing before (but my attention has never been pointed towards it), makes sense. I absolutely would rule out something coming later this year though. If they didn’t announce it today, we’re not getting it this year. They wouldn’t announce a game for 2025 and not 2024 if they had

Huh, it’s an interesting observation that the logo looks like the ultimate weapon. I took it to be hinting at the existence of an “A” legendary (the Z is textured like Zygarde, similar to the X and Y looking like Xerneas and Yveltal), but who knows.

To be fair last time they actually showed footage and this time we only got a teaser... but I still think it’s pretty exciting. Let’s Go Johto would have been underwhelming, but this is 1) finally going back to the Z version they skipped and not doing the expected Johto/Unova, 2) not forcing a 2024 release, and 3)

You might be right that the comment is irrelevant but it’s definitely strange phrasing. I don’t know why they would use language like that before the Switch 2 was actually announced though, so it probably doesn’t mean anything.

Yeah, it definitely has something to do with AZ.

It’s very funny to me all the speculation about Johto and Unova (I was even starting to come around to it) and it ends up skipping both and going to Kalos. Love it. Reinforces my view that for Pokemon the content is the content and hints are minor.

Very excited about a new monkey ball, hopefully it’s actually good. The last couple weren’t great but that was over a decade ago. Penny’s Big Breakaway, End Ocean, and Fantasy Life all have my attention, and I’m considering Pocket Card Jockey since I never got it for 3DS.

No, looks like they Disney is still there. I don’t know if you’re supposed to say it or if it’s just there in the title to show that it’s Disney if someone was confused for some reason, but it’s still there. They seem to not be consistent about it.

It doesn’t have all the features of a normal mainline Pokemon game, but it does still have many other features of most mainline Pokemon games. It’s officially classified as a main series games. It’s still about collecting wild Pokemon and filling up a Pokedex, you still have 6 Pokemon that can learn 4 moves at a time,

Arceus isn’t a spinoff, it’s a main series game and developed by GameFreak

I don’t really know if I think it’s likely for them to make more Let’s Go games, Go is still popular but not really in the zeitgeist anymore so I don’t know if they would see much value in building a game around those mechanics (especially since those mechanics were not well received in LGPE). And chiptunes could

I’m not sure what to think is likely for a reveal.

Their recent 2023 report shows that user acquisition isn’t a problem but converting those users into paying customers is.

unless you mean a 3D game

Fair, although the reason I want to see the new system is largely to see what games they have cooking for it, haha. This year is looking pretty slim for new first party Switch titles. I’m not expecting another Mario or Zelda or whatever for Switch if they were planning on launching the Switch 2 later this year. Seems

Until a new Zelda/Mario/Metroid/I’m sure I’m missing some is announced who needs a switch 2?

Plus they’re within spitting distance of takimg the best selling consoles of all time position from PS2. Another year and a quarter of switch sales before the next console comes out will get them there (or damn close to it), and they can coast across that finish line with little to no worries, further cementing

I would have also loved an Odyssey 2, but to be fair I think Galaxy 2 is the only time they’ve done that so it’s not that surprising to me. Unless I’m misremembering, SM64 was the only 3D Mario platformer on the N64 and Sunshine was the only 3D Mario platformer on the gamecube.

The article says that sources say it’s a software thing. And the hardware sales are still decent but it’s very obvious that they’re winding down game development for switch. If they had a good launch lineup ready for Switch 2, they’d put it out instead of waiting for interest to totally dry up.