
Nice, I’m glad how much SA2 seems to be in this movie. Please port SA2 to modern consoles this year as a tie-in promo! Would love to play it again on Switch/Switch 2. And while they’re at it, abandon any future plans for 3D sonic games and go back to Sonic Adventure games.

I can only speak for myself I guess but I feel like if the first 98% of a remake goes as expected and the last 2% goes off the rails, that 2% is what’s going to really stick with me.

I figured it was called “Remake” because it was going to be the only title in the “remake” games to actually stick mostly to what happened originally, but I could be wrong or it could have more than one meaning.

So the path the wolf has to travel is pi times the radius (r) of the pond. Just to get it out of the way, obviously the duckling swimming directly away wouldn’t work because the wolf could travel 4r and only has to cover pi*r so it can easily do that. A spiral seems intuitive but I’m not sure it would extend the path

1) When that happens, it’s listed as auto-generated, and it wasn’t listed as that during the presentation, and I didn’t see any other errors, which always happen when it’s auto-generated.

Oh wait I see what happened.

It’s literally just the Japanese way of writing “native”, as a direct loanword.

Both the trailer subtitles and the playstation blog called them “Naytibas,” not sure where “NA:tives” came from (although that still of course seems like it came from the word “natives)

I don’t care how pretentious Kojima is, I love how completely unhinged this trailer is. I’m not sold on the game yet (I liked the first one but I don’t know if I want to do it again) but this makes a pretty strong case for it.

That would require Gamefreak to get off its ass and at least try and do a half ass job at a proper Pokémon title.

Fair enough, I haven’t played so I don’t know how polished the game is overall, I just mean the visuals. I don’t care if Pokemon games have super technically great graphics, but more polish and personality would be good.

All I can say is I hope that if Gamefreak has any takeaway from this, it’s that their games need more polish and not that the games need more survival/sandbox elements

What’s even the point of people asking developers about the Switch 2? Do they think someone in PR whose job it is to make sure they don’t say anything they shouldn’t is going to accidentally spills the beans?

I respect your opinion but man I cannot disagree more. To me it felt like they were just checking plot points off a list in the most predictable way possible. The most surprising thing that happened was a couple Organization members being traitors, which is not very much in a series usually full of silly convoluted

Haha fair enough, I completely forgot about that until you brought it up. I guess the battles themselves being fast enough once you got to them was enough that I remember them being fast.

I’m sure nowadays I wouldn’t have the patience for it but honestly when it came out I thought it felt really great and snappy for a turn based game. I think the ring system helped because it added an element of action, and also the menus felt very fast to navigate (like P5) so that also kept it moving smoothly.

When Kingdom Hearts UX went offline it left a theater mode you could always access. It would be nice if they did that for this game too. Not sure if the format is as conducive to that though.

Fair, I say they didn’t have ideas, I mostly mean they didn’t have enough good ideas to justify the product. NintendoLand was great and there were a handful of other titles that made okay use of the gamepad but overall it felt like even Nintendo didn’t know what they were doing with it.


What else is it supposed to talk about?