I’m just going to reply to myself because I’m about to go to bed, and I don’t want to leave the greys hanging-
I’m just going to reply to myself because I’m about to go to bed, and I don’t want to leave the greys hanging-
Sweet baby Jesus, check out the Wikipedia page of the prof she’s working for. He’s a convicted bank robber turned jailhouse lawyer turned law professor. Draw what conclusions you want there.
Formula should be free for those that can’t breastfeed. It is medically nessessary for a lot of women, insurance and/or welfare should cover it fully.
I don’t know how to explain to people like you that addicts are generally not capable of that level of organization.
We live in a shame society. Everyone is hellbent on vindication for their prescriptive way of life.
I worked as a nurse in a locked psych facility. One of my NAC’s lost a baby this way. She was not prosecuted because I don’t live in a shit state, apparently. She was just gutted over it, because she had no education in her life that had ever led her to be able to understand how the biology of all this works. She…
Oh my god.
I should also add that many of the women were meth babies themselves so their brains were already not properly developed, then they became meth mamas who have meth babies. And our system does nothing to help them, it just makes money off them.
I just feel sorry for everyone. I am lucky to have been to jail for a few minor things (breaking apartment lease, not going to court = court of contempt and they WILL issue warrant for your 18-year-old broke ass!) and to have met women who have lost babies to drugs. I no longer have any anger or judgment, it’s all…
What in the fuck point are you trying make? Are you a DNC bot currently melting down?
I think their differing views on feminism and business are that to him, feminism is just a business.
You know what? I love Maude, with her old fashioned name and her adorable twitter handle and her strength and courage. I hope she is offered an amazing job where she’s happy as a clam for the rest of her life, amen.
oh fuck yes. this looks fun and twisted and i am HERE for it.
What the hell is going on with the Paler Nation? This is horrific! Mandatory removal of YOUR child for 25 hours a WEEK!? WTF? Yo, didn’t we try this shit before? You know, with, like every indigenous person ever when the “white” people decide, without so much as a fare the well, that they are now taking this land -…
How on earth do these ungrateful young Muslims get radicalized? ask the people who enact these horrors, with a total lack of self-understanding.
Missed opportunity to take Pray You Catch Me to the next level?
I think you need to watch the video again...
Good video, but I’m mainly here to fan myself over Donald Glover’s delicious voice telling people how behave appropriately in work place situations. Yes. Mmmmmm-mmmmmm.
To all the Bernie Bros and Bots that told me the “the Supreme Court doesn’t matter” in 2016, I say Fuck You.