Post Raphaelite

Warning to adults everywhere. These kids are really smart and really good at the social media, stop screwing with them.

Yeah, I hear that a lot on this site, that Lawrence is a “phony” or doing “schtick.”

I feel like Jennifer Lawrence is currently experiencing the same backlash that Anne Hathaway experienced. Like, I log on one day and suddenly everyone is so fucking sick of her and she’s so goddamn annoying but I don’t recall anything that would make people feel that way. I mean, she dated an older guy and they did a

Rape is still rape when the woman has had lots of consensual sex before. She could even have had lots of sex with you before, but the one time you forced yourself on her without her consent, it was still rape. That’s true of physical assault too. Say you dated Ronda Rousey. She’s taken many punches in her line of

I mean, I see your point. It’s the same argument over the difference between porn and safe prostitution. Legally, the leaked photos were a crime because someone accessed her account without her permission. Morally, regardless of the law, there is a difference between you seeing someone naked because they want you to

*hands out Mardi Grad beads* This is the best I can do right now, all the pearls are currently being used by CPAC attendees.

Iiiiiiiinnnnteresting. I wonder if Ms Charen is struggling with a sunk cost fallacy. It’s clear her level-headed recognition of GOP hypocrisy surrounding sexual assailants isn’t welcome, not even at a panel expressly about conservative women’s reflections on their place within #MeToo! But she’s also built a name for

Kylie™ looks radiant, rest doesn’t matter.

So my ideal counter protest is standing alongside the anti-choicers with a sign that says “I NEED A HOBBY”. The thing is, I actually have hobbies and better ways to spend my weekends.... like volunteering for the damn PP!

An agenda that LGBTQ exist and deserve to be treated with respect and humanity?

“We’re not asking for banning because I know that would just sink our ship,”

be the change you wish to see, nico.

I can’t be the only one who read “Rhode Island’s youngest state senator” in the headline, glanced down to see a video freeze-frame of Paul DiMaio, and wondered “that’s Rhode Island’s youngest senator?”

Something about guys who unbutton their shirts really far down like this, alarms me. It screams; “Do not date..he is everyone he has ever wanted. No room, no room!”

Oh girl, I am sorry. :( That is BAD BOYFRIENDING. I mean it would be fine if he had A Thing against Valentine’s Day (like whatever, but okay) and used his words, like a grown-up, to say something to that effect in advance? But to 1) pretend like he didn’t think you’d have any kind of expectation that the day even be

Dude. Okay. So I hesitated posting that specifically because I don’t want to relitigate the primary AT ALL.

My last few days living at the homeless hostel, I’m so looking forward to finally moving into my own home, it’s been a long journey. I look back to the time I was laying on the floor crying, unable to breathe, wishing the pain would end. I’m so pleased that my friend found me after my overdose, back then I never

“While I strongly support trying to understand how and why people think the way they do, relying on affective empathy—feeling [emphasis: mine] another’s pain—causes us to focus on anecdotes, favor individuals similar to us, and harbor other irrational and dangerous biases. Being emotionally unengaged helps us better

Holy shit, you weren’t kidding. I scrolled back up to see, and I wish I hadn’t.