
I’d grab a non-descript European sedan, nothing fancy, just a family car, I think its the same as a Ford Contour. (That’s what I’m telling my insurance company anyway.) 

The larger and slower the better. 

I think I found a good car for you, the 1st gen Audi Allroad. This car has decent power, and its a turbo which will help when you are in the thin air at high altitudes. It has AWD and is raised up a bit, so that makes it good for gravel roads and such. Plenty of room in the back, plus a roof rack as standard. It also

Grasshopper, when you move to the battery-powered version,  you will become one with your air pressures. 

The problem with a base stinger is that the Elantra N undercuts it by $6K and offers a much better user experience, in terms of both using and enjoying the interior and in terms of driving it. Yes, $6K get your RWD and a 5th door, but you lose so much more.

I agree that this is a car that will be a good collector car. Not 1st gen M3 money, but its a car that was largely overlooked yet was a performance giant. Someone will do OK with a Chevy SS six speed, a Cobalt TC, a Saturn Sky Redline and an 88 Fiero GT in their collection. Call it the “GM got it right then killed it”

Every time you think humans can’t sink lower. Paid training is a requirement in industries that need people, that’s just a fact of life. If you can’t hire people who know how to do something, you have to train them yourself. I get attaching a cost to it, its an incentive to keep people working for you and it helps to

1.6 liter, 1.3 liter...whatever. 

It is an ugly old bridge people, and it will go back together once the ship passes. If they were tearing the nuts off the statue of David temporarily, get pissed. This is a bridge. A BRIDGE. If it needed to be moved aside for a short while to allow a group of orphans to find homes, no one would give a shit. The Dutch

This is so obviously pandering to a very specific crowd, probably white males in their 50's who would pay anything for a “Bond Car” to live out their childhood fantasies. How do I know? BECAUSE I WANT ONE SO BAD!!!!

Remember the old GM 4-6-8 engine? They could resurrect that, along with the turbo wastegate, in the Camaro. You get a basic 4 cylinder when you buy the car. You can pay more to get a Turbo-4, a 6 cyl, a turbo 6, a V8 or a turbo V8.

I landed in Phoenix once and shuffled over to get the bland, grey, compact my company pays for and the rental company tells me that they are all out. Not just of that car, but of all cars. The NBA playoffs were in town (or maybe NCAA, or some basketball thing) and they are all out of vehicles, period. I have an

There is also an automatic assumption that $60K is way too much for an assembly-line worker to make. Why is that, because they make less in China? Because you don’t need a college degree? You can’t blame the employees for the cost of living, COGS, insurance, healthcare costs, etc.

Think about any classic sports car you dreamed of owning (Alfa, MG, Fiat) or that econo-car you dreamed of modifying (Civic, GTI etc) and imagine not having to work to keep it running or to make it fast. Imagine something that is more fun to drive than any of them...and lots of other sports cars. Imagine that you can

Every diesel pickup with low-profile chrome rims.

“offroad” is the same as “driving fast”’s completely subjective. You can drive fast in a Miata and have a lot of fun, but it won’t crack 200mph, so is it slow? If you have some clearance, traction, and can put power to the wheels in contact with the ground you’ll go most places off road. Its not until you get

The Lada was surely designed to be built as cheaply as possible, so who let the turn signals be frenched into the hood?!?!? Without that, the leading edge of the hood would be a straight line, much easier to stamp, nothing sticking up when you lean in to fix things and a simplified grille layout. Someone went to the

Have you ever had to walk from the terminal to the far edge of extended parking in Pittsburgh? Some of those people just haven’t made it back to their car yet.

Aww gee, if only there was something with the practicality of a 4-door hatch that was one of the most-fun cars to drive of the last 25 years, that was available for $10K in great shape and was bulletproof. Hmmmmm.

E30 BMW 3-Series. Bear with me here, when they were new, they were the “it” car for the yuppie crowd. Everyone with money had to have one, they were the ultimate status symbol. But by that definition, they were vastly overrated. Sure, they had great suspensions and manual gearboxes and don’t get me started on the