
I had a Kia that blew an injector. I had to pull over and get the thing towed to the dealer, then arrange transportation to work and back, and leave it there for a few days. It was replaced under warranty, but another injector blew a week after the first. It was replaced, then a third blew a week later. This was

I think the Prelude deserves an honorable mention. It started with 4WS, and wound up as the best handling FWD car you could buy. Good size, good weight, Honda reliability. It just never got people out of their hopped-up Civics and when the amazing S2000 showed up, the Prelude became the Accord Coupe.

Don't forget that the later Impulse had Lotus handling, a turbo, and AWD well before we got the Evo or STI.

So what post WWII plane was under-budget, and worked 100% right out of the gate?

No manufacturer captured the 90's look better than Pontiac.

I would guess a hydraulic failure in the brakes on the rear unit caused them to lock up and he pulled the beam right off.

An affordable mid-engined car that also got great gas mileage? Sign me up! Unfortunately, the Fiero was killed before it ever reached its full potential.

If the Allroad is so bad, why do I see them with 200,000 and 300,000 miles on the ODO all the time? Seriously, I like them but stay away because of reputation.

I'm more interested in the maximum flow rate of beer from the dual-beer helmet. Would adding larger supply lines increase flow? Do I need higher pressures? Would moving to higher seats reduce gravitation pull and slow my drinking?

If the airbag deployed and shot his head through the back window and onto the hood of the car behind him...THAT would have been epic!

Nah, you need a theme. Everything would have to be AWD and turbocharged for me. Which would make for a cool Sprinter Van Limo and a bitchin' Suburban, along with the requisite Evo, STi, Quattro Sport, etc.

1982 Camaro?

That is a whole new level of incompetence. Probably good that he/she didn't hit any high speeds!

Bravo!!!! You are one of the first people I have ever heard that got the saying correct. "The proof of the pudding is in the eating." Most people say "the proof is in the pudding". Which is stupid.

The GTD was a tough blow, then they announced this:

He hit the side of the car? How much do you think it costs to replace the windshield on that thing? Think Safelite (which is great BTW) has those in the van?

Fuses. I know they are not controls, but how about picking one size/style/format and putting it in a box that is easy to get to and easy to open?

Awwwww. They made a car for The Little Toaster!

Congrats. You spent stupid money to look like an Astra.

I think cars that would be so simple, like an SHO Wagon, are the worst. The manufacturer has ALL THE PARTS. Just put them together!