
So who's Arthur McKay?

Godspeed to you? It was speed that killed the poor guy! Have some tact.

As Pontiac circled the drain, they slapped some extra grills onto the Chevy Aveo and created the G3. It has the distinction of being released and killed in the same year, and the shortest production run of any Pontiac ever.

You are forgetting the $6 Million Man. Despite what the TV show alleged, the government's secret bionic soldiers actually cost about $50 billion to develop, in 1970's money no less! While soldiers were produced in assembly-line fashion, each soldier still cost about $10 million to equip, train, and maintain. And

Not very stealthy, I mean, I see it right there. Heck, Microsft found it, and nothing they make works!

A truck full of sluts ain't bad either...

I put a twin mattress int he back of my 1977 Impala Wagon when I left my college apartment. I kept it there, as a recent grad living back home with mom and dad, as my mobile shag pad. You could go wherever you wanted, you had A/C, cupholders, and plenty of room. Headroom suffered of course, but vans tend to put

I saw someone wearing these on the street just recently! I thought it was a joke, but apparently they are a real thing!

Where do all the people go that are removed form the Street View Images? Is there a HUGE archive of people walking down the street images back at Google HQ?

2014 Regal for comparison...

The trailing edge of the rear doors is rounded, not angled like Buick . That would be a big redesign of the body stamping. I checked about a dozen other cars with no matches, but man do a lot of sedans look the same!

e-tron is not capitalized, however, it does have a hyphen. It's called fact checking.

You should never use a colon after a sentence fragment.

Best small track of what kind? Race track? Cart track? Seriously Matt, learn to spell if you are a journalist.

The only problem with the stupid graphic is that a vehicle and a MOTORIZED vehicle are very different things! Bikes go about 17 mph, cars go 70. The difference in speed is vast, making operation on the same streets and by the same rules impossible.

Perhaps because they were trying to instill the car with seating rather than simply installing seats?

Seriously? It's GMC! Not GM, but GMC. All they make is trucks, which are really boring cars.

I was in the Woodlands area recently (had to hit the Apple Store). Man, what is up with that? Ferrari Californias roll around like Chevy Cruses back home!

I hope this guy wins. I give the police all the respect in the world, but this isn't a Nazi state and you can speak your mind if you want to. Too many cops and judges with inflated egos out there that think we need to treat them like kings instead of public servants.

I live in Pittsburgh where, despite the fact that we don't have any yet, they are actively trying to ban street food trucks. This place is asinine with the archaic alcohol laws, and now I can't get a taco truck?