I don’t know if you’re a bad enough Dude to own any of that artwork. Have you even saved a president from ninjas before?
I disagree. She has no idea she is trash. They have no idea they are trash. They truly madly deeply from the bottom of their black rotting hearts believe that they are better than all of the rest of us combined.
don’t worry about that gun, it’ll turn up somewhere. Funny how that works out.
Its almost like family dynamics are seriously fucking complicated and maybe we shouldn’t hold Franco’s sister-in-law accountable for his bad behavior.
Why do you need to find a woman to put the blame on? Franco should get the blame, not whatever famous woman married someone in his family. That’s ridiculous.
I am very against the notion that Alison Brie (or any woman) should have to answer for her husband’s brother. I think it’s massively unfair to put that on her and I recoiled in disgust at her being blind sided on the red carpet like that. Whatever creepy ass James Franco has been up to lo these many years should not…
the most charitable possible interpretation is that he’s setting us up in his mind as some sort of model minority. more likely, he’s defining homosexuality by the same set of stereotypes about gender performance as everyone else and theoretically trying to valorize it, which ignores the fact that what actually unites…
That kind of implies that gay = hates women. Which is not true.
He reminds me of my shitbag ex who liked the idea of sleeping with men because it was taboo but wasn’t actually into men—and because his whole jam was using faux-progressivism to hide his abusive shit.
Probably. That and just the LGBT+ variety of White people using Black culture all the way up to any of the downsides in society.
They feel women hold all the power as gatekeepers of sex...
Pretty much. They feel women hold all the power as gatekeepers of sex, and it’s a deeply messed up means of taking perceived power back while secretly hoping for or imagining approval.
I wholly disagree. Not everyone wants to suffer for a tattoo. I think it's completely reasonable to look to lower pain areas, and then one can even experiment with their pain threshold, and go from there for their next. (Because one tatt is never enough ;) ). As not everyone knows their pain tolerance until push comes…