
Wade didn’t commit any acts of “self-sacrificing loyalty.” He left money on the table in exchange for rings.

Why are people who make a career out of something most people desperately try to avoid, physical combat, so aggressive?

I want to point this out before it makes the rounds tomorrow. Skip Bayless, ultimate hot take asshat, who has made his name basically saying retarded shit like LeBron James isn’t a top 5 current player, is doing First Take for the last time on Monday. I haven’t watched the show in years, but I occasionally catch a

Republican National Convention begins in 4 weeks.

The Warriors Lost Their 18th Game


There’s always next game!


considering you’re angry enough to give them the free press of an update, I think they did a pretty good job of accomplishing their goal. To be honest, they really don’t have to say anything about the episode. We’d all watch if it the synopsis were “man sticks finger up butt of another man,” which in fairness,

This sort of excuse-making is part of what’s wrong with our community. If someone has to throw chairs at people to do their job, fuck them. We deserve better.

At the end of his life all i can think about is how he dogged joe frazier, how he dragged his name through the mud and hurt his legacy to strenghten his own. Im not saying ali wasnt a great american, but for no reason other than greed and ego he tried to ruin another equally great american

Foolish move to play him considering his most famouse quote ever was,

I was at a Phoenix Suns game in the late 90s or early 2000s. They were playing the Mavericks, and we had bad seats off to the left of one of the baskets, and a little bit behind the action. At one point in the second quarter, on the complete opposite side of the arena, there was a commotion, but a quiet one. Everyone

Christ, I hope I live to see the day when we unfuck the broadband system in this country. When people recognize that broadband at this point should be a UTILITY handled at the municipal level, we will be a whole lot better off. Comcast might be the worst corporation in the US. I’m trying to think of who might be worse

if i’d tried something like that not only would i have completely missed the puck thereby losing the game, i would have have somehow injured the goalie and broken my neck on the goal.

Who really is so inexperienced and dumb that they need a drinking guide, yet intelligent enough to go searching for it on the internet?

Is everyone here taking crazy pills?! RL biscuits are better than any og breadstick ever... Also, Costco sells 4 packs of the cheddar bay biscuit mix. Do not over mix, add a bit of extra sharp cheddar and they are better than the real thing. They also freeze amazingly well if you put a paper towel with them to absorb

Shut the fuck up.

Hey, the game is not for you. And that’s okay. Nobody says you have to like it. If you look at a tape of one of the most incredible saves a goalie will ever make and say ‘This is everything wrong with hockey’ then the game is not for you. May I suggest golf? It has a much slower pace and it’s pretty easy to tell

Orbital will never be forgotten cause time becomes a loop... cause time becomes a loop... cause time becomes a loop... cause times becomes, cause time becomes... cause time becomes... cause time becomes a loop.