It’s comment sections like this that almost make me ashamed to be pro-choice.
It’s comment sections like this that almost make me ashamed to be pro-choice.
Actually, everything about abortion discussions makes people sound like 11 year olds n
It’s almost like they’re not mutually exclusive!
I don’t know. I think about it a lot. The cops don’t do a great job, universities have, in many cases, essentially gamed the system to make sure they don’t add to their crime reporting stats, and we don’t have a lot of alternative models.
No offense taken, don’t worry about it - I’m skeptical about anonymous online people, too.
Ok, I guess I can forgive, but still. Reporting on scientific papers is so shitty and unreliable it makes me spit. There needs to be more cross pollination between journos and scientists/statisticians.
Yeah basically. The devil is in the details... 17.7 percent is only about 20% lower than 21.5%, but 1.99% is about 40% lower than 3.15%. So even though there’s a larger absolute difference for mothers, percentage wise there’s a greater difference for fathers, simply because the numbers for fathers start way lower.
I hate how misleading this article is.
Ha, yeah, looks like we’re on the same wavelength here. High five for reading the paper.
I’m looking at the study right now, and am a little lost as to how they come to that 50% number. Not because I just don’t understand - I’m pretty well trained in this sort of econometric analysis - but because I think they’re making an (almost certainly innocent) mistake.
Isn’t satire meant to make a larger point? What was the larger point of this? Mimicking creepy youth-fetishization culture in order to somehow undermine it? Because, if so, that did NOT come across. I’m sick of people publishing the most atrocious things and then hiding behind the “duh, it’s SATIRE” shield.
Wow, this article looks like it was scientifically cooked up to drive a wedge right down the middle of Jezebel. It’s a domestic violence case with a white woman and black man, no conclusive evidence either way that proves anything, and mud-slinging accusations going back and forth. I’m putting my money on them both…
Team No One. They both seem awful. Good thing they broke up. They brought out the worst in each other.
There is no excuse to hit her, there is also no excuse for her to hit him.
This is like the perfect Jezebel article.
Right, exactly, as the DNAInfo article explicitly states, cops ARE NOT donating to his bond and the FOP fundraising money is not being used for it.
Kobe sure is inspiring the hottest of takes on a site which prides itself on an alleged immunity to such editorial fuckery.
“White Deadspin Writers Are Running Out Of Reasons To Hate Kevin Durant”