

Nah, it's their Trompe le Monde.

oh you sons of bitches!!!

But how is he supposed to post first if he has to think of something interesting to say?

Gaah, that's right. I can't believe I forget that. Especially considering I actually prefer the other John Adams over John Adams.

John Adams (composer) / John Adams (President)

And the lack of story directly showing the relationship between Agatha and Zero is precisely explained at the start of the dinner between Zero and the Writer as being too painful to talk about—it exists in great depth, just not in front of the camera.

Does McG qualify as "M" or "G"?

If this was expanded to international, does Kubrick (the "easiest vote") even win the "K" category? I'd be tempted to put a strong case forward for Kurosawa. Thoughts?

I have no expert knowledge, so take the following with that in mind —

"Walter (including the “Walter Trade Dress,” “Walter Copyright,” and “Walter Mark”) have all been patented since 2010,"

Garrison Keillor voice over would make this show so much amazing.

The best thing this year is William Basinski's The Deluge.

Don't forget about the Falklands!

Yeah, it was obvious by the second episode that Californication had run its course.

Yup. Wait. Nope. Wait. Yup. Wait. Your brilliant mind has confused mine.

If you reason it is, then I guess it can only be so.

"They shouldn't have to go back and read a contract that they already know through and through because they created it."

And in case I wasn't clear enough, what you've said on the subject is wrong.

Oh, sorry, yes, your first post, your assertion that someone should not have to read a contract that person wrote because they just should not have to. I can't believe that I didn't notice the fine reasoning underpinning that nuanced explanation of contract law.