
Except the problem with claiming that Silicon Valley's (the show) lack of female characters is non-problematic because of the lack of real-world equivalents is that the show does not appear to using that gender discrepancy to critique the reality. If you're going to fall back on the "reflecting reality" in a fictional

Think he still has a year's grace to file under the AIA,

The book version of Robb was just as bad as the show version. Both were simply lazy plot mechanics to set up the "shocking" death of the character. Could have been done with so much more grace, although that can be said for much of Martin's writings. Think the show does the best it can with some of the bad hands it's

"Hi, I'm in Delaware."

I'll just insert my standard plug here for the musician who composed the score to this film, Mica Levi, and her completely unique avant-pop group, Micachu and the Shapes, and honestly every other work she's done, including producing and writing the music for Tirzah's ep last year, which was one of the best releases of

First, your "well-reasoned arguments" are nothing of the sort: they ignore the plain fact that Love had a aesthetic prior to meeting Cobain and that she arguably influenced his musical growth more than he influenced hers. You ignore that she has a clear style through her three records in the 1990s, (one of which was

I personally dislike you for your sexism.

I think you need to Curb Your Enthusiasm for your argument.

And much dumber and without any real subversion or satirical underpinning. But otherwise, exactly like Colbert.

If I remember my studies correctly, fair use under trademark, at least for parody/satire, is excepted from suit for tarnishment, Think Congress passed a law in the mid 2000s making that explicit.

if only the stunt had been smarter.

I'll wait on the sitcom that sacrifices respect for the military for more comedy. Look, we all respect the people who serve, if not the actions of the military as a whole. We don't seem to have problems in popular culture in sacrificing reverence for other noble professions in pursuit of comedy, so why not the same

I know I'm late to this, but "unsavory sex-related legal troubles"? What the fuck? How about calling it for what it was — statutory rape.

Not that there are not moments where disparate notions of power come into conflict, but that those moments are transitory. To contrast using your example, there is never a sustained exploration such the one the Wire engaged in between Avon and Stringer over the first three seasons, and then further colored with

Sorry, what I meant to say with my comment on "good" and "evil," which I obscured with my poor phrasing, is that Martin characters act in two ways — they act good or they act evil. Both can be contained in a single character but individual actions only exist in one of the two camps, and which camp is often dependent


Also Jaime. Basically, anyone who's been through a transformative moment and has a story built around him or her.

The problem I find with the show is that the exploration of power often is simplistic and ultimately not that interesting. That's not to say that there are not great and interesting characters, or insightful looks at the drive for accumulation of power, but Martin spread his story far too broadly and effectively

Cool recap bro. Where's the criticism for why this show is any good?

Sarcastic is not the right word. He was commenting on the standard portrayal of slavery in film and other media and how we are taught the subject as children in school. That in many ways, 12 Years A Slave is one of the few films that captures the evil (and the banality) of slavery, not simply as an abstract concept,