This is for Posterity

I mean if anything Chinatown just seems to be more and more relevant given the plot and what’s going on...

The “You Must Remember This Podcast” just had a season focusing on Fonda and Jean Seberg, and one episode talked a lot about Fonda’s anti-war activities and her trip to Vietnam. As I recall at the time she was exhausted and overwhelmed, and knew it was a horrible decision as soon as the picture was taken and regretted

I agree about Chu. I didn’t think there was anything wrong with his style. It worked, didn’t it? Nowhere in the rules does it say you have to just run down the board.

No, he’s just not Fonda, Jane.

“Rogers and Fallon actually know each other, as the talk show host was once a frequent presence at Rogers’ bar”

I think dropping agent orange which still leads to birth defects was never a good idea. Man, LBJ and Nixon really were a couple of bimbos.

In what world is it ok to write under the name of a serial child abuser?

That is amazing.

I’m putting this here because it’s as good a place as any. I’ve noticed that several of the other film / pop culture sites I frequent haven’t even mentioned this grossness. It’s s big movie story and BMD is mute.

It’s not his family’s fault, but they are suffering whether they know or not. He could be spreading STDs to his wife, as only one example.

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So help me, if a harassment scandal ever involves Seth Meyers as a perpetrator I will shuffle off this mortal coil.

If only Harvey had been in North Vietnam....

There are literally thousands of executives and managers with a known pattern of sexually abusive behavior who have evaded major consequences throughout America’s industries. I hope this really is a tipping point, and the floodgates open. We aren’t there, yet.

This reminds me of the whole Jimmy Saville business over here in the U.K., the difference really is he was marginally powerful in comparison and he liked his victims waaay younger.

The UK is potentially after him, too, so that might complicate things a bit.

At this point I’m just hoping that Quentin “Foot Fetish” Tarantino does end up being a part of this, too.

Yes the same thing will happen, which is to say almost nothing at all

The alt-right is eating itself.

You know, as much as I’m disheartened by learning all this stuff about Affleck, an actor who I’ve always liked, and as much as I hate seeing prominent left-leaning critics of the Administration being used to gleefully fuel rightwinger “See? They’re just as bad as us!” chortling, I’m fine with a purge of virtue