This is for Posterity

There seems to be a 15-min window, then editing isn’t possible.

Not really. It shows a few replies, then there is a drop-down to show all, and you can re-collapse that thread again back to the first few replies.

From the tiny circle up on the right, pick See all Notifications. It will not tell you much, but you can click on each entry to take you to the comment being referred to. That’s all. You have to go back and forth to check which comment was recommended or replied to. There is no way to know what specific comment


Hey, everyone. If you’re from AVClub, and you’re still in the greys, can you please reply to this comment? I want to make a list of users still needing approval. This is not a weird stalking thing.

No one can tell if you upvote yourself! Go wild!


It’s shitty. But it’s our shit, you know?

Serious Bro-crush.

Well, tell your nephew I said hellooooo.

How did your Aunt respond?

Levers. Levers, people! Use ‘em!

Was he unbearably smarmy?

But I never wanted to hit Perry Mason!

And Tea with Mussolini.

I, for one, welcome our young, socially conscientious new overlords.

My best wishes for success with the foundation, Mrs Bro. I think the idea is a lovely memorial to Heather.

Thanks for letting me know!

I appreciate that you’re providing content over here. I’m not leaving. I dug a trench.