
Some fucking freak just killed is transgendered girlfriend in Australia (Brisbane) and cooked her body to try to get rid of the evidence.

This at least makes sense. She has tons of idiotic fans her age. No one wants to hear from Kim anymore, or Khloe or the other one.

Viagra hangover?

Yeah, I hate to say this but if you have PTSD and are noise triggered, perhaps you should have taken a desk job-In fact, his job will be on the serious hook for letting a guy with this disorder handle a gun in a stresssful job. Just dumb.

Uh, why are you asking this question to begin with? Am I missing something here?

That’s cuz he’s got the ‘crazy eyes.’ Word to the wise. I dunno, man, not done a scientific study on this, or anything, but the ‘crazy eye’ thing may be an indication of something going on up there (brain).

She has great genes but she’s also never touched drugs and she doesn’t drink. That right there helps A LOT. She also eats well.

I always wonder if one day in the past a person did something really ‘assholy’ so they deemed him a Connard and forced him to take the last name as a reminder of his crime. The next thing you know the name stuck and eventually this person birthed people who were not ‘connards’ but kept the name because as time passed

lol So I guess I’m not sure if Kendal is actually realizing that she’s putting down what her idiotic family are famous for— A SHOW. And even worse, a “REALITY” show.

Anytime anyone starts a statement like “Oh, it’s only_____” that’s a clue that a person is being dismissive.


Oh fuck off, Caitlyn. You only care about what affects YOU and that’s it.You are a selfish prick. Guess what, princess? You got yourself into one of the marginalized groups in society.

You are wrong. And do not try to excuse her behavior using the abuse card.That’s insulting to those who have suffered abuse. My mother was abusive to me and my siblings and we turned out to be pretty good human beings despite of it.

Agreed. If you get lonely go see your family, or your friends, or if you don’t have either-explore your city. When my sister lived in New York (with no family there) she at by herself, went to the movies by herself etc. then she would come back home to visit. Sometimes being with someone is fantastic, most of the

This guy is a real piece of shit.

I gotta say something cuz I’m a fatty and I’m just freaking annoyed at these vids with “let’s all feel great about our swimsuits even though we are carrying 100 or more pounds than our bodies should carry” vids/messages.

They should look this guys’ history up. Not sure if this is not an Islam thing. He’s rockin the beard and he went on his little spree on Easter, a Xian holiday. Wouldn’t be surprised if it is another fucking terrorist thing.

What she wants is a waist. And yeah, she’s had boobs and hips before but they were more proportional to her weight so her waist did not stand out at all. She’s just another person who wants what she was not born with but don’t we all adjust our bodies, hair, faces in one way or another to have what we don’t have

Both get on my nerves. But at least one can actually write songs.