
This joke is dumb for a couple reasons:
1) You don’t trade jerseys with people who are on the SAME team as you.

2) Todd played like crap. This should be Nickell Robey-Coleman in there with the ref, because he’s the one that was getting the James Harden treatment.

It’s because, unlike Romo, those guys are too shitty to be ok with being wrong 5-10 times a night.

So Westbrook is 23% on the season, but at that point in the game he was 5/12 on 3s. Everyone on both teams had it going from 3 last night, aside from Ingram and Schroeder.

We’re never actually cheering for the tacos. It’s more just to rub it in the other team’s faces, and because “WE WANT TACOS!” is an easy chant.

How is there a 50/50 chance 4 or 5 sexual partners have given her an STD!? You would have to fudge those numbers SO HARD for that to work.

Quick question (and this may never get answered because I’m in the greys here for some reason) is the Supra still getting a hybrid model, or did that get jettisoned somewhere along the way?

An athletic dude who enjoys hitting 1-handed backhanded slice and employing side spin!?

Big Dick Nick Undone By Uninspired Cox

John Wick gonna be all, “Suck my diction.”

Just stop! He’s already dead.

I kinda want to be like, a 5th division team magnate. Have 5th division teams in every country. I’ll pick myself to play for each team once, so I can say I was a pro footballer all over the world.

Wite-out = Corrective milk

You gotta put it in 3 times in a row.

I’m not gonna hate on her, but I’m am kind of salty.


Are we gonna get an article about the beef between Tomic and Hewitt?

According to you...

I mean, Jimmy G probably challenged him a bit.

Everyone knows shingles only go on the roof, meaning they can only be found in the mouth.